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Ernest Ange Duez | Pittore di genere

Il pittore Francese Ernest Ange Duez (1843-1896) è nato l'8 marzo 1843 a Parigi, e ha studiato pittura sotto Isidoro Pils.
Espone per la prima volta al Salon nel 1868 con Mater Dolorosa, e raggiunge il successo nel 1874 con una medaglia di terza classe per i suoi dipinti Splendeur e Misère. Ha vinto altre medaglie lì in seguito.
Le scene di genere raffiguranti la vita moderna comprendevano il ristorante Au Le Doyen (1878) e Café sur la Terrasse (1890). I ritratti includevano Madame Duez (1877) ed Alphonse de Neuville (1880).
Paesaggi e scene balneari erano spesso ispirati alla campagna della Normandia attorno a Villerville e Le Havre.
Nel 1879 al Salon espose il grande trittico Saint Cuthbert, raffigurante le fasi della vita di Cuthbert ambientate in paesaggi basati sulla campagna intorno a Villerville. Considerato il suo più grande lavoro, è ora al Musée d'Orsay.

Nel 1883 Duez si trasferì in uno studio sul boulevard Berthier, vicino a quello di John Singer Sargent nella stessa strada.
Singer dipinse ritratti di Duez e sua moglie nel 1884-18. Sua moglie, Amélie Duez, era una famosa cantante amatoriale, e fu la prima ad eseguire le composizioni appena composte di Gabriel Fauré "Mandoline" e "En sourdine" (le prime due canzoni di Cinq mélodies "de Venise"), mentre Fauré e la coppia erano ospiti della Principessa di Polignac a Venezia nel 1891.
La cerchia di Duez comprendeva anche i pittori Paul-Albert Besnard, Jacques-Émile Blanche e Roger-Joseph Jourdain.
Duez realizzò una serie di commissioni per l'ornamento di edifici pubblici a Parigi.
Tra questi, Novembre e Décembre nella Galerie du glacier di Palais Garnier, Virgile s'inspirant dans les bois (1888) per la Sorbona, La Botanique e La Physique (1892) per il Salon des Sciences dell'Hôtel de Ville, e L'heure de la tétée à la maternité (1895) per l'assistenza pubblica - Hôpitaux de Paris.
Duez è morto il 5 aprile 1896 da una emorragia cerebrale mentre pedalava nella foresta di Saint-Germain-en-Laye.

Ernest Ange Duez (1843-1896) was a French painter of genre scenes, portraits, landscapes and religious subjects.
Although he was an admirer of Édouard Manet and owned paintings by Manet, Claude Monet, Edgar Degas and Berthe Morisot ⎆, his palette was more subdued than that of most of the Impressionists, and his technique more controlled.
His style, between that of the conservative Paris Salon and Impressionism, has been called juste milieu, and he has been compared to Alfred Stevens, Giuseppe De Nittis and James Tissot.

Duez was born on 8 March 1843 in Paris, and studied painting under Isidore Pils.
He first exhibited at the Salon in 1868 with Mater Dolorosa, and achieved success there in 1874 with a third-class medal for his paintings Splendeur and Misère. He won other medals there subsequently.
Genre scenes depicting modern life included Au restaurant Le Doyen (1878) and Café sur la Terrasse (1890). Portraits included Mme Duez (1877) and Alphonse de Neuville (1880).
Landscapes and seaside scenes were often inspired by the Normandy countryside around Villerville and Le Havre.
In 1879 at the Salon he exhibited the large triptych Saint Cuthbert, depicting the stages of the life of Cuthbert set in landscapes based on the countryside around Villerville. Considered his greatest work, it is now in the Musée d'Orsay.

In 1883 Duez moved into a studio on boulevard Berthier, close to that of John Singer Sargent on the same street. Singer painted portraits of Duez and his wife in 1884-1886.
His wife, Amélie Duez, was a well-known amateur singer, and was the first to perform Gabriel Fauré's newly composed songs "Mandoline" and "En sourdine" (the first two songs of Cinq mélodies "de Venise"), while Fauré and the couple were staying as guests of the Princesse de Polignac in Venice in 1891.
Duez's circle also included the painters Paul-Albert Besnard, Jacques-Émile Blanche and Roger-Joseph Jourdain.

Duez carried out a number of commissions for the adornment of public buildings in Paris. These included Novembre and Décembre in the Palais Garnier's Galerie du glacier, Virgile s’inspirant dans les bois (1888) for the Sorbonne, La Botanique and La Physique (1892) for the Hôtel de Ville's Salon des Sciences, and L’heure de la tétée à la maternité (1895) for the Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris.
Duez died on 5 April 1896 from a cerebral haemorrhage while cycling in the Forest of Saint-Germain-en-Laye. | © Wikipedia