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Vicente López Portaña | The Marquess of Remisa, 1844

Title: The Marquess of Remisa
Author: Vicente López Portaña** (Spanish painter**, 1772-1850)
Date: 1844
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: w147.5 x h232
Current location: Museo Nacional del Romanticismo

Vicente López Portaña** (September 19, 1772 - July 22, 1850) was a Spanish painter**, trained in the 18th century tradition, became the portrait artist par excellence of the reign of Ferdinand VII. He had a very personal style based on precise drawing, realism and a brilliant sense of colour.
But at the age of seventy two, he did this exceptional portrait of the famous banker, businessman and art collector Mr. Gaspar de Remisa y Miraons Bres y Querol, fully entering into the Romantic spirit.

He is portrayed in full-length with his dog on a life-size canvas, wearing formal dress, with a black tailcoat, a white bowtie and matching waistcoat and shirt, over which his golden watch chain cascades. In his right hand he holds a top hat, white gloves and the cane, while with his left he draws our attention to a document on the desk, which is as well part of the Museum collection (Museo del Romanticismo, inv. 246) and is exhibited next to the portrait.
 As a consequence of his commitment to the world of culture, he patronized writers and artists. In particular, this canvas was painted in gratitude for his support and management of the Artistic and Literary Lyceum in Madrid (of which he was president) and was part of this institution’s collection.| Google Arts and Culture