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Édouard Manet (1832-1883) 295 artworks ⁽³⁾

⦁    Color is a matter of taste and sensitivity.
⦁    Every time I paint, I throw myself into the water
⦁    in order to learn how to swim.
⦁    I paint as I feel like painting; to hell with all their studies.
⦁    Black is not a color.
⦁    There is only one true thing: instantly paint what you see. When you've got it, you've got it. When you haven't, you begin again. All the rest is humbug.
⦁    There's no symmetry in nature. One eye is never exactly the same as the other. There's always a difference. We all have a more or less crooked nose and an irregular mouth.

  • Concision in art is a necessity and an elegance. The verbose painter bores: who will get rid of all these trimmings?
  • I would kiss you, had I the courage.
  • If I'm lucky, when I paint, first my patrons leave the room, then my dealers, and if I'm really lucky I leave too.
  • Insults are pouring down on me as thick as hail.
  • Above all, keep your colors fresh!
  • The attacks of which I have been the object have broken the spring of life in me... People don't realize what it feels like to be constantly insulted.

  • In una figura, cercate la grande luce e la grande ombra, il resto verrà da sé.
  • La pittura è una cosa privata; si lavora solo per pochi...
  • Dobbiamo ammaliare la verità, darle l'apparenza della follia.
  • In una figura, cercate la grande luce e la grande ombra, il resto verrà da sé.
  • La pittura è una cosa privata; si lavora solo per pochi.
  • Si vede come si vuol vedere, ed è questa falsità che costituisce l'arte.
  • Tutto ciò che viene privato della sua libertà perde sostanza e si spegne rapidamente.
  • Ho passato tutta la vita a provare.