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Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510)

Alonso Cano (1601-1667)
Alonzo Cano or Alonso Cano (19 March 1601 - 3 September 1667) was a Spanish painter**, architect and sculptor born in Granada.
He learned architecture from his father, Miguel Cano; painting in the academy of Juan del Castillo, and from Francisco Pacheco the teacher of Velázquez**; and sculpture from Juan Martínez Montañés.
He learned architecture from his father, Miguel Cano; painting in the academy of Juan del Castillo, and from Francisco Pacheco the teacher of Velázquez**; and sculpture from Juan Martínez Montañés.

L'arte fiabesca di Paul Bond, 1964
I pluripremiati dipinti ad olio di Paul Bond vivono negli spazi tra sogno e la realtà.
Nato a Guadalajara, in Messico, attinge al genere latinoamericano del Realismo Magico, dove elementi simbolici e fantastici si fondono con atmosfere realistiche, svelando un mondo dove tutto è possibile.
Spesso le definisce "fiabe per adulti".
Unendo ed alterando oggetti familiari - mescolati con parti uguali di fantasia, meraviglia e misticismo - le opere di Bond deliziano l'immaginazione e stimolano l'anima.

Antonio Guzmán Capel, 1960
Antonio Guzmán Capel è un pittore Spagnolo.
Dal 1961 risiede nella città di Palencia, in Spagna.
Capel è un artista autodidatta. Fin dall'infanzia ha mostrato doti innate per il disegno e la pittura.
Ha fatto la sua prima mostra quando aveva solo undici anni. Da allora in poi, ogni anno ha tenuto delle mostre.
A quattordici anni, espose le sue opere in Svizzera, dove fu considerato dalla critica locale un genio della pittura, perché come affermato, non c'era nessun artista conosciuto in quel momento con la capacità di eseguire opere a tale giovane età.

Raffaello Sanzio | Painting
Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (1483-1520), better known as Raphael was an Italian painter and architect of the High Renaissance, celebrated for the perfection and grace of his paintings and drawings.
Together with Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, he forms the traditional trinity of great masters of that period.
His work is admired for its clarity of form, ease of composition, and visual achievement of the Neoplatonic ideal of human grandeur.

William Turner (1775-1851) | Il pittore della luce
Joseph Mallord William Turner è stato un pittore e incisore inglese. Appartenente al movimento romantico, si può dire che il suo stile abbia posto le basi per la nascita dell'Impressionismo.
Nonostante ai suoi tempi fosse visto come una figura controversa, attualmente è considerato l'artista che ha elevato l'arte della pittura paesaggistica ad un livello tale da poter competere con la maggiormente considerata pittura storica.
Anche se è diventato famoso per le sue opere ad olio, Turner è anche stato uno dei più grandi maestri britannici nella realizzazione di paesaggi all'acquerello. È conosciuto con il soprannome di Il pittore della luce.
Henri Lebasque (French, 1865-1937)
In 1903, together with his friend Matisse and other artists, Henri Lebasque founded the "Salon d'Automne".
In 1912, the Salon exhibited works by a group of artists, which, because of its distinct style, became popular as "Les Fauves" (wild beasts).
Henri Lebasque was a Post-impressionist painter. His work is represented in French museums, notably Angers, Geneva (Petit Palais), Lille (Musée des Beaux-Arts), Nantes, and Paris (Musée d’Orsay).
In 1885, Henri Lebasque studied in Paris at the Ecole des Beaux Arts and thereafter entered the studio of the artist Bonnat.

Anna Vinogradova, 1975
L'artista professionista Russa Anna Vinogradova / Анна Виноградова è nata nella città meridionale di Krasnodar. Si è diplomata presso l'Istituto Accademico Statale di Belle Arti, Scultura ed Architettura Ilya Repin di San Pietroburgo nel 1999.
Lo stesso anno Anna Vinogradova ha realizzato una serie di bozzetti di costumi di balletto per l'ensemble coreografico di Vologda intitolato “Russian Ballet 21st century”.
L'artista russa Anna Vinogradova, insieme ad A. Vladimirov, ha realizzato una targa commemorativa in mosaico "Nostra Signora di Vladimir" per la cappella in onore dei 2000 anni di cristianesimo nella città di Vologda.
Nel 2006 Anna Vinogradova è stata invitata negli Stati Uniti, dove è diventata Membro dell'Associazione dei Ritrattisti Americani.

Wilfredo Alicdan (Filipino painter, 1965)
Wilfredo Alicdan crea delle tele allegre e colorate dedicate alla vita familiare.
Riferendosi al legame indissolubile che tiene unite le famiglie, attinge ai suoi ricordi d'infanzia di essere il fratello maggiore di sette fratelli.
L'arte di Wilfredo Alicdan è tra le più semplici e riconoscibili.
Aderendo al principio di semplicità, limita intenzionalmente il suo lavoro a pochi elementi.
La sfida che crea per se stesso è fare arte con il minor numero di mezzi: diverse, una o due figure, dipinte con colori vivaci e solidi senza gradazioni tonali.

Toshiyuki Enoki, 1961
Educated in several different genres of lacquer painting, traditional Japanese painting and western painting, Toshiyuki Enoki's works are an amalgamation of the new and aged, reality and myth.
This artist strives to antiquate his works, not only in his thematic tribute to well known traditional artists such as Maruyama Oukyou also in his artist process.
Using particularly worn brushes, Enoki cyclically paints, erases and transfers images for his works to create a unique atmospheric depiction of Nature.
As with all four pieces, the details brushstrokes and overall reflective surface is reminiscent of lacquer works which served as an inspiration for the artist.
His selected warm colour palette and scattered gold leaf across his canvas creates an overall magical and tranquil depiction in these four featured paintings.

Yury Darashkevich (Belarusian, 1962)
Yury was born in Asipovichi, Belarus. Following his passion, attended and graduated from the Belarusian State Academy of the Arts in 1985. Upon graduation he began a career in the illustration and graphic design field, painting in my spare time.
After several successful solo shows in the early 90’s, he started to devote his attention to his art (paintings and art objects).
Shortly after making this career change, he and his family moved to Toronto Canada. Being a full time artist, he became an Elected member of the Society of Canadian Artists in 2009.

Julie Heffernan, 1956
Julie Heffernan è una pittrice Americana il cui lavoro è stato descritto dalla scrittrice Rebecca Solnit come "un nuovo tipo di pittura storica" e dal New Yorker come "ironico surrealismo rococò con un tocco social-satirico".
Simile al Realismo Magico, il lussureggiante Julie Heffernan utilizza una miriade di riferimenti storici dell'arte per presentare una narrazione interiore sensuale, un'auto-allegoria la cui agenda politica seminascosta è lo sfondo letterale dei dipinti.

Stephanie Clair
Stephanie Clair è nata nello stato di New York e si è laureata in pittura / design presso la Old Dominion University, Virginia.
Clair è stata influenzata da maestri moderni come Picasso, Matisse, Chagall, Modigliani e Kandinsky e ha sviluppato il suo stile distintivo fondendo tecniche cubiste con colore ed emozione.

Henri Matisse | Méditation - Après le bain, 1920
The painting dates from the 1920s, produced during one of the artist’s many stays in Nice, which became more frequent and prolonged over time.
The theme of the interior, with the female figure facing the window (here the model is not easy to identify), is present in several of the painter’s compositions from this period, as is the use of soft light and decorative elements that characterise the settings.

Van Gogh about Jean-François Millet
Vincent van Gogh in a letter to Theo, from The Hague, 5 Nov 1882 - original manuscript of letter no. 280 - at Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam:
"..I fear that in a few years there may be a kind of 'panic', in this form: 'since Millet' we have sunk very low - the word decadence, now whispered or pronounced in veiled terms (see Herkomer), will then sound like an alarm bell. Many, like I myself, now keep quiet, because they already have the reputation of being awkward customers, and talking about it doesn't help".

Giorgio De Chirico (1888-1978)
Giorgio de Chirico è stato un pittore e scrittore Italiano, principale esponente della corrente artistica della pittura Metafisica. De Chirico nasce da una famiglia nobile di lingua italiana, il padre Evaristo, ingegnere delle ferrovie, costruì la prima rete ferroviaria in Bulgaria ed in Grecia.
Nel 1891 nella stessa città nasce il fratello Andrea Alberto. Più tardi mentre Alberto studiava pianoforte, Giorgio si iscriveva al Politecnico di Atene per intraprendere lo studio della pittura. I due fratelli erano molto uniti e si scambiavano le proprie conoscenze.
Intorno al 1909 si comincia a delineare la poetica della metafisica: arte capace di governare le emozioni e trasformare l'inconscio.
Nel 1911 de Chirico raggiunge il fratello Alberto a Parigi dove conosce i principali artisti dell'epoca, comincia quindi a dipingere quadri con uno stile più sicuro. Subisce l’influenza di Gauguin da cui prendono forma le prime rappresentazioni delle piazze d’Italia.

Edward Portielje (1861-1949)
Edward Antoon Portielje (1861-1949) was born in Antwerp on 8 February 1861. He trained under Charles Verlat (1824-90), who had taught at the Antwerp Academy since 1877 and became director of it in 1885.
Like his father, Jan Frederik Pieter Portielje (1829-1908), a Dutchman, Edward Antoon Portielje devoted himself primarily to genre painting. His elder brother, Gerard Jozef Portielje, also made a name for himself as a painter.
Edward Antoon Portielje died in his native Antwerp in 1949.

Guido Reni | The Immaculate Conception, 1627
Guido Reni (Bologna, 1575-1642), the most celebrated painter of seventeenth-century Italy, was particularly famous for the elegance of his compositions and the beauty and grace of his female heads, earning him the epithet “Divine".
This altarpiece, with its otherworldly space shaped by clouds and putti in a high-keyed palette, was commissioned in about 1627 by the Spanish ambassador in Rome for the Infanta of Spain.
Guido Reni | The Immaculate Conception, 1627 | Metropolitan Museum of Art

Robert Campin (1375-1444)
Robert Campin, now usually identified with the Master of Flémalle (earlier the Master of the Merode Triptych, before the discovery of three other similar panels), was the first great master of Flemish and Early Netherlandish painting. Campin's identity and the attribution of the paintings in both the "Campin" and "Master of Flémalle" groupings have been a matter of controversy for decades.
Campin was highly successful during his lifetime, and thus his activities are relatively well documented, but he did not sign or date his works, and none can be securely connected with him.
A corpus of work attached to the unidentified "Master of Flémalle", so named in the 19th century after three religious panels said to have come from a monastery in Flémalle.

Edmund Blair Leighton | Pre-Raphaelite painter

Edmund Blair Leighton | Pre-Raphaelite painter ⁽²⁾

Edmund Blair Leighton (1853-1922)
Edmund Blair Leighton (21 September 1853 - 1 September 1922) was an British** Pre-Raphaelite painter of historical genre scenes, specializing in Regency and medieval subjects.
He was educated at University College School, before becoming a student at the Royal Academy Schools. He exhibited annually at the Royal Academy from 1878 to 1920.
He was educated at University College School, before becoming a student at the Royal Academy Schools. He exhibited annually at the Royal Academy from 1878 to 1920.

Jean-Francois Raffaëlli | Paris painting

Jean-Francois Raffaëlli (1850-1924)
Jean-François Raffaëlli** was a French** realist painter, sculptor, and printmaker who exhibited with the Impressionists**. He was also active as an actor and writer.
Born in Paris, France April 20, 1850 and died in Paris, France February 11, 1924.
Raffaelli trained in the atelier of Jean-Leon Gerome**, and made his debut at the Salon of 1870. He painted portraits, landscapes and genre scenes, deriving much of his inspiration from the Parisian suburbs.
In 1889 he was made an officer of the Legion of Honor**.
Born in Paris, France April 20, 1850 and died in Paris, France February 11, 1924.
Raffaelli trained in the atelier of Jean-Leon Gerome**, and made his debut at the Salon of 1870. He painted portraits, landscapes and genre scenes, deriving much of his inspiration from the Parisian suburbs.
In 1889 he was made an officer of the Legion of Honor**.

Jan Portielje (1829-1908)

Jan Frederik Pieter Portielje (1829-1908)
Jan Frederik Pieter Portielje was a Dutch / Belgian Academic Classical painter of genre and portraits.
Born in Amsterdam, 29 April 1829 and died in Antwerp, 6 Feb 1908.
Jan Portielje studied in Amsterdam at the School of Art under J Bing and in Antwerp under Dyckmans. Jan Portielje enjoyed great acclaim during his lifetime, participating successfully in numerous exhibitions in Holland, Belgium and abroad.
Born in Amsterdam, 29 April 1829 and died in Antwerp, 6 Feb 1908.
Jan Portielje studied in Amsterdam at the School of Art under J Bing and in Antwerp under Dyckmans. Jan Portielje enjoyed great acclaim during his lifetime, participating successfully in numerous exhibitions in Holland, Belgium and abroad.

Egron Lundgren (1815-1875)
Egron Sellif Lundgren (18 December 1815, Stockholm - 16 December 1875 Stockholm) was a Swedish watercolor painter.
He studied at the Academy of Stockholm, and afterwards in Paris under Cogniet.
He sojourned in Italy, 1841-49, devoting himself to watercolors.
From there he went to Spain and then to England, where he was commissioned by Queen Victoria to paint ceremonial pictures.
He studied at the Academy of Stockholm, and afterwards in Paris under Cogniet.
He sojourned in Italy, 1841-49, devoting himself to watercolors.
From there he went to Spain and then to England, where he was commissioned by Queen Victoria to paint ceremonial pictures.

Kenne Gregoire, 1951
Kenne Gregoire ha studiato all'Accademia Statale di Belle Arti di Amsterdam da 1967-1973.
Si può senz'altro considerare un pittore del nuovo realismo Olandese.
Nel 1973 ha vinto il Silver Prix de Rome. Su invito del Ministero della Cultura italiano nel 1976, fece un viaggio di studio in Italia.
Kennedale è nominato per il progetto Beacons on the water of the center Arti visive Ontario i.s.m. HSRO. Tra i lavori di Kenne Grégoire possiamo trovare nature morte, ma anche edifici, paesaggi e scene teatrali di la Commedia dell'Arte. C'è bellezza, ma anche tristezza, decadenza e deterioramento.

Charles Sprague Pearce (1851-1914)
Charles Sprague Pearce (October 13, 1851 - May 18, 1914) was an American artist.
Pearce was born at Boston, Massachusetts. In 1873 he became a pupil of Léon Bonnat in Paris, and after 1885 he lived in Paris and at Auvers-sur-Oise.
He painted Egyptian and Algerian scenes, French peasants and portraits, and also decorative work, notably for the Thomas Jefferson Building at the Library of Congress at Washington.

Laurits Andersen Ring | Pittore Simbolista
Laurits Andersen Ring (1854-1893) è stato uno dei più importanti pittori Danesi della fine del XX secolo, pioniere sia del Simbolismo che del realismo sociale in Danimarca. Considerato uno dei capolavori della cultura danese, il suo dipinto Summer Day di Roskilde Fjord è stato incluso nel 2006 Danish Culture Canon
Ring è nato come Laurits Andersen in un villaggio chiamato Ring nel sud della Zelanda. I genitori di Ring erano il fabbricante di ruote e falegname Anders Olsen (1816-1883) e la figlia di un contadino Johanne Andersdatter (1814-1895).
Laurits Andersen Ring - Summer Day by Roskilde Fjord, 1900

Albert Lynch (1851-1912)
Albert Lynch (Trujillo, 1851 - Monaco, 1912) was a Peruvian painter.
He settled in Paris, where he studied at l'École des Beaux-Arts. Lynch showed his artwork in the Salon in 1890 and 1892 and in the Exposition Universelle of 1900 during which he received a gold medal**. His work maintained the spirit of the Belle Époque.
He settled in Paris, where he studied at l'École des Beaux-Arts. Lynch showed his artwork in the Salon in 1890 and 1892 and in the Exposition Universelle of 1900 during which he received a gold medal**. His work maintained the spirit of the Belle Époque.

Bernard Pothast | Genre painter
Dutch** /Belgian painter** Bernard Jean Corneille Pothast was born in Hal, Belgium. He was a student at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam from 1904-1907.
He lived and worked in Amsterdam until 1911 and then he moved to Laren.
The artist is best known for his interior scenes with mothers and children.
He often painted his own family.
His style is a little impressionistic and he follows in the tradition of the Hague School.

Bernard Pothast (1882-1966)

Jacques Majorelle (1886-1962)
Jacques Majorelle è stato un pittore Francese, figlio del celebre designer di mobili in stile Liberty, Louis Majorelle e figura di spicco dell'orientalismo moderno.
Divenne un noto pittore orientalista, ma è ricordato soprattutto per aver costruito la villa ed i giardini che ora portano il suo nome, i Giardini Majorelle a Marrakech, in Marocco.
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