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Goodbye! | Poem by Pablo Picasso

I was thrown away to fend for myself in the stars unknown. Yet, there is no light there. You promised that eternity would not tear us apart. Yet, here I am, uncared for. I wanted to share my being with you. Yet, time after time, you refused me. Maybe I need you too much. Maybe you are my survival. I don't know why I still want you.
The light of the full moon is dull, for your face is not there to emphasise it. The glory of the sun is gone in waste, for you are not there to reflect it. You say it is only a matter of time. I ask, what is time? What is meaning in this world now.

Oh lonliness, come hither, I am your only friend. Let's walk together for we are both lonely. You didn't want me, you didn't explain to me. Hmpf! My stupidity in thinking I was the luckiest. One tight hug is all I need, so it seems.

I stood and suffered for something that did not exist with me in substance- You! You've carved a craving in me that is too deep to let go.
Pablo Picasso's Poems