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When I See You | Poem by Pablo Picasso

I have always walked forth, not wanting anything more than what I had already had. I did not need anything at all. I had scoffed at everyone when they said that my life was incomplete.
That was till I had met you. You were the only one who had ever raised the felling of loneliness in me. you were the only one who ever made me realize that my life was always incomplete; and had always been.

My heart had been always fluttering at the very sight of you. You had give me desires for the tastes that I had never known existed. My entire being had surrendered to you and your wishes the very first time we had met. My heart would skip beats when ever your proximity was precarious.
I would have gone to the ends of the world if it meant that I could have you here in my arms, in my heart till the entire eternity crumbled.

I wish you were here dear for I yearn for you. I would have left the very joys behind if it meant I could have you here, talking to me. Your breath is what interests me more than the very words.
Who are people in this equation? I see no one else save you, me and the endless love ahead. The air blows through my empty hands, and they ache with the soreness of the wind. My legs know no pain, My hands know no ache for they always wait for you, and you alone...