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Laszlo Gulyas, 1960

Born in Budapest, Hungary, Laszlo Gulyas graduated at the Academy of Fine and Applied Arts. Laszlo continued his studies as a student of the Academy of Fine Arts between 1983-1987.
He has been member of the National Society of Hungarian Artists since 1987. The artist developed his individual world of images and acquired the painting techniques of the early masters of painting under the influence of the universal art of Rembrandt.
This is what makes him distinct form his contemporaries. He seems to be charmed by the revival of heritage rather than by demolishing the art of painting or by recording its death struggle. In his works he applies the contrastive effects of the light and the shade with brilliant skills. Besides the clear colours his sketching appears to be remarkable.
The principal values of his gift are exhibited in his portrays of his family, which are full of vitality and harmony.

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Arkady Ostritsky (Moldovan, 1948)

Arkady was born in Kishinev, Moldova. He was recognized very early as gifted in drawing and painting and by the age of 20 was accepted in Moldova's most distinguished Art Academy - the Repin Art Academy.
He graduated with distinction, earned many awards, and became one of his country's most important painters.
He was chosen to paint numerous monumental works in public institutions, and created many large frescos. He also became a distinguished art teacher and many young artists came under his tutelage.

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Sergio Lopez, 1983 | Painting the roses..

Sergio Lopez is a native of Sonoma County, located in the U.S. state of California. He is a graduate of the Academy of Art in San Francisco.
He continues to study by visiting museums and observing the Great Masters, which he strives to learn lessons of beauty from.
Sergio has won multiple awards, including Epperson Gallery’s Valona Paint Out best of show award two years in a row, 3 awards in the 2010 Paint San Clemente Festival, 2nd place Artist Choice Award for Telluride Plein Air 2013, and Honorable Mention in the Alameda Plein Air event two years in a row.

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Norberto Proietti | Pittore Naïf

Norberto Proietti (1927-2009) è nato a Spello, da padre commerciante di bestiame, poi anche cuoco, mentre la madre con 5 figli aiutava il marito e cuciva abiti; molto rinomata a Spello perché creava modelli particolari e poi li eseguiva.
Poco più che dodicenne Norberto andò in Trastevere a Roma, dallo zio per imparare un ‘mestiere’ che potesse dargli la possibilità di mantenersi. Non a caso si scelse un mestiere manuale e creativo.
Nel 1942 tornò a Spello, dopo questa esperienza cominciò a guardare le innumerevoli bellezze pittoriche che lo circondavano, con una luce diversa.

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Ary Scheffer | Romantic painter

Ary Scheffer (10 February 1795 - 15 June 1858) was a Dutch**-French** Romantic painter.
  • Life
Scheffer was the son of Johan Bernard Scheffer (1765-1809), a portrait painter born in Homberg upon Ohm or Kassel who had moved to the Netherlands in his youth, and Cornelia Lamme (1769-1839), a portrait miniature painter and daughter of the Dordrecht landscape painter Arie Lamme, after whom Arij (later Ary) was named. He had two brothers, the journalist and writer Karel Arnold Scheffer (1796-1853) and the painter Hendrik Scheffer (1798-1862).
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Jean-Pierre Alaux (1925-2020)

Il pittore Francese Jean-Pierre Alaux, è nato a La Ciotat, in Francia. Non ha dovuto combattere per diventare un pittore, come molti dei suoi coetanei. È un discendente diretto di una famiglia di pittori o architetti risalente all'inizio del XVIII secolo.
Di conseguenza, ha trovato difficile da prendere sul serio anche se era estremamente serio sul suo lavoro.
Jean-Pierre Alaux crea arte da più di cinquant'anni senza seguire una moda particolare ed è sempre rimasto fedele al suo stile: gli amanti dell'arte non hanno mai avuto dubbi sul fatto che sia uno dei grandi artisti del nostro tempo.
Da parte sua, spera modestamente che la diversità che apporta a ciascuna delle sue opere aumenti la soddisfazione visiva e spirituale del pubblico rimuovendo la noia, la fonte di molti mali.

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George Richmond RA (1809-1896)

George Richmond RA was an English painter and portraitist. In his youth he was a member of The Ancients, a group of followers of William Blake. Later in life he established a career as a portrait painter, which included painting the portraits of the British gentry, nobility and royalty.
He was the son of Thomas Richmond, miniature-painter, and was the father of the painter William Blake Richmond as well as the grandfather of the naval historian, Admiral Sir Herbert Richmond.
A keen follower of cricket, Richmond was noted in one obituary as having been "an habitué of Lord's since 1816".

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Luke Hillestad, 1982 | Minneapolis

Luke Hillestad è nato a Minneapolis MN. Nel 2006 lascia il suo lavoro di geometra ed inizia a dipingere a tempo pieno, con i libri di Rembrandt e Odd Nerdrum aperti accanto alla sua tela vuota.
Luke si è immerso nell'apprendistato, studiando con Nerdrum e viaggiando in musei e studi in tutto il mondo per imparare dai dipinti degli antichi Maestri di cui cerca di seguire la tradizione. Luca usa la tavolozza del pittore di affreschi dell'antica Grecia Apelle e dipinge dal vero usando i suoi amici come modelli, così come gli animali tassidermici che colleziona durante i suoi viaggi.
I suoi dipinti illustrano la bellezza primordiale degli esseri umani nella loro forma migliore e più nobile.
Le loro narrazioni tendono a essere incentrate su temi di morte, parentela, rituali e interazioni con la natura selvaggia.

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Richard Ramsey | Portrait photographer

For over 35 years Richard has used his talents to produce some of the Mid-South’s finest portraiture.
He is one of the highest awarded portrait photographers in the state of Tennessee and has been honored eleven times with the prestigious title of “Photographer of the Year”.
Richard holds the Master of Photography and Photographic Craftsman degrees from the Professional Photographers of America and the Tennessee Certified and Tennessee Service Degrees from the Tennessee Professional Photographer Association.
For 12 consecutive years, Richard Ramsey deservedly received the “Tennessee Professional Photographer” award (Best Professional Photographer of the State of Tennessee).
The artist lives and works in the city of Memphis. Memphis is located in the southern part of the United States, on the Mississippi River. This is the largest city in Tennessee.

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Angelo Bellini, 1938 | Pittore astratto

Angelo Bellini nasce a Redondesco (Mn). Frequenta il Liceo Artistico e l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera.
Ha collaborato come grafico e designer con prestigiosi studi di architettura di Milano, come Bega - Rogers - Perissuti - Belgioioso.
Insegna discipline pittoriche per diversi anni in licei artistici pubblici e privati.
La sua vocazione assoluta, quella di essere pittore viene però sempre perseguita con coerenza e tenacia. Inizia negli anni 60, partecipando su invito ad importanti manifestazioni artistiche come il premio Suzzara, Bozzolo e San Benedetto Po’.

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Frederic Shields (1833-1911)

Frederic James Shields (Hartlepool, 14 March 1833 - 26 February 1911, London) was a British artist, illustrator and designer closely associated with the Pre-Raphaelites through Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Ford Madox Brown.
Frederic James Shields was born in Hartlepool on 14 March 1833, the eldest of four children of Georgiana Storey (d. 1853) a straw hat maker and John Shields (c.1808–1849) a bookbinder, stationer, and printer who ran a circulating library. Baptised Frederick, he later adopted the spelling Frederic.

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Louise Ingram Rayner (1832-1924)

Louise Ingram Rayner è stata una pittrice Britannica.

Louise nacque a Matlock Bath nel Derbyshire. I suoi genitori, Samuel ed Rayner (nata Manser) erano entrambi famosi artisti, tant'è che a Samuel fu permesso esibirsi alla Royal Academy quando aveva 15 anni.
Quattro delle sorelle di Louise - Ann ("Nancy"), Margaret, Rose e Frances - e suo fratello Richard furono anch'essi artisti.
La famiglia viveva a Matlock Bath e a Derby, prima di trasferirsi a Londra nel 1842.

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Sir William Blake Richmond | Drawings

Sir William Blake Richmond KCB, RA, PPRBSA (1842-1921) was a British portrait painter and a designer of stained glass and mosaic, whose works include mosaic decorations below the dome and in the apse of St Paul's cathedral in London.
He was the Slade Professor of Fine Art at the University of Oxford from 1879-1883.

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Vincent van Gogh | I disegni

Vincent van Gogh ha disegnato migliaia di immagini per migliorare le sue capacità e per soddisfare il tempo libero.
Ha completato oltre 1.000 disegni, di cui si conosce, dal 1877 al 1890.
Van Gogh vedeva il disegno come un compito necessario per costruire una base come artista e per studiare la forma e il movimento.
Tuttavia, come descrive, in molte delle sue lettere, usava anche il disegno come sfogo per la sua depressione.| © Van Gogh Gallery

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Pablo Picasso: "To draw you must close your eyes and sing"

  • "To draw you must close your eyes and sing".
  • "I begin with an idea and then it becomes something else".
  • "I'd like to live as a poor man with lots of money".
  • "It is your work in life that is the ultimate seduction".
  • "The hidden harmony is better than the obvious".
  • "We don't grow older, we grow riper".

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    P. John Burden, 1943 | Pittore simbolista

    Di formazione classica come incisore e pittore in Gran Bretagna, l'artista visivo P. John Burden si è trasferito a Prince Edward Island nel 1976, dove ha continuato la sua carriera artistica e ha sviluppato una reputazione come designer di vetrate tradizionali, illustratore di libri ed artista grafico.
    Il lavoro di John Burden include dipinti acrilici originali, acquerelli e stampe di artisti tradizionali e moderni.
    La sua arte è simbolica o surrealista, utilizzando l'abilità rappresentativa di una vita di disegno, pittura e design.
    John illustra anche libri per tutte le età e ha opere in collezioni in tutto il mondo.

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    Claude Monet | The Rain (La pluie), 1886-1887

    "The Rain (La pluie)" was created in 1886-1887 by French impressionist painter Claude Monet (1840-1926).

    • "Color is my daylong obsession, joy, and torment".
    • "I'm not performing miracles, I'm using up and wasting a lot of paint.."
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    Georges de la Tour | The Cheat with the Ace of Diamonds, 1635

    The only diurnal painting by Georges de La Tour in the Louvre along with the Saint Thomas, the Cheat illustrates a theme that was frequently taken up in the wake of Caravaggio.
    The young man is subjected here to three major temptations according to 17th-century moral standards: gambling, wine and lust.
    Another version with notable variations is known to exist, the Cheat with the Ace of Clubs (Fort Worth, Kimbell Art Museum).

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    Diego Rivera | Portrait of a Spaniard, 1912

    The illustrious Salon d’Automne - from its inception the world’s leading avant-garde venue along with the Salon des Artistes Indépendants - opened its annual exhibition at the Grand Palais on October 1, 1912.
    Displaying over seventeen hundred paintings and sculptures to an expectant Parisian public, it included a portrait section of nineteenth century paintings all executed by French artists and, most notoriously, a gallery of increasingly scandalous and rejected Cubist works such as La Maison Cubiste, a three dimensional installation that housed works by Duchamp, Léger, Gleizes and others.

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    Diego López García | Sevillana en su patio, 1918

    Diego López García (Seville, February 22, 1875 - ibid, June 23, 1969) was a Spanish painter**. López García work in realistic style with techniques of impressionist** painting.

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    Jean Metzinger | Donna allo specchio, 1916

    Donna allo specchio / Femme au miroir è un dipinto dell'artista Francese Jean Metzinger.
    Questa forma sintetica distillata del cubismo esemplifica il continuo interesse di Metzinger, nel 1916, verso una minore attività superficiale, con una forte enfasi su piani astratti più grandi, più piatti e sovrapposti.
    Il primato manifesto della configurazione geometrica sottostante, radicata nell'astratto, controlla quasi ogni elemento della composizione.
    Il ruolo del colore rimane primordiale, ma ora è contenuto entro confini ben delineati rispetto a diversi lavori precedenti.

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    Pablo Picasso: "Love is the greatest refreshment in life"

  • All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.
  • Painting is a blind man's profession. He paints not what he sees, but what he feels, what he tells himself about what he has seen.
  • Youth has no age.
  • Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not.
  • Love is the greatest refreshment in life.

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    A Lonely Road Is That I Walked | Poem by Pablo Picasso

    I walk a lonely road, the one and only one I' ve ever known.
    I don't know where it goes, but I keep walking on and on.
    I walked the lonely and un trodden road for I was walking on the bridge
    of the broken dreams.

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    Goodbye! | Poem by Pablo Picasso

    I was thrown away to fend for myself in the stars unknown. Yet, there is no light there. You promised that eternity would not tear us apart. Yet, here I am, uncared for. I wanted to share my being with you. Yet, time after time, you refused me. Maybe I need you too much. Maybe you are my survival. I don't know why I still want you.
    The light of the full moon is dull, for your face is not there to emphasise it. The glory of the sun is gone in waste, for you are not there to reflect it. You say it is only a matter of time. I ask, what is time? What is meaning in this world now.

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    Emile Claus (1849-1924)

    Émile Claus (Vive-Saint-Éloi, 27 settembre 1849 - Astene, 14 gennaio 1924) è stato un pittore Belga.
    Émile Claus nacque in un piccolo villaggio delle Fiandre occidentali, sulle rive della Lys, sedicesimo figlio di una famiglia di commercianti rurali. Sin da piccolo si appassionò al disegno e la domenica faceva tre chilometri a piedi per andare all'Accademia di Waregem (la città più vicina) per imparare a disegnare.
    Ma il padre Alessandro e la madre Celestine Verbauwhede non erano affatto contenti ch'egli intraprendesse la carriera d'artista e lo inviarono come apprendista in Francia, in una panetteria di Lilla. Emile imparò il francese, ma non il mestiere del fornaio. Lavorò un poco anche alle Ferrovie del Belgio e come rappresentante.
    Poi la svolta. Per lettera, il giovane Claus si appellò al famoso compositore Peter Benoit, che viveva nella vicina Harelbeke, affinché convincesse suo padre. E così avvenne. Claus poté iscriversi all'Accademia di Belle arti di Anversa.

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    Le Sette Virtù | Giotto | La Cappella degli Scrovegni

    Tra le innumerevoli raffigurazioni, le allegorie dei Vizi e delle Virtù, poste in un finto zoccolo a specchi marmorei sulla parte inferiore delle due pareti laterali, sono sicuramente molto interessanti! Giotto le colloca in modo che figurino in rapporto sia le une con le altre, sia con il Giudizio Universale posto in controfacciata secondo un percorso che conduce a due destini ben precisi, l’Inferno o il Paradiso.
    Giotto ha pensato alla disposizione delle figure predisponendo una sorta di percorso di salvezza, nel quale si possono curare i vizi tramite le virtù.
    La figura posta all’inizio di questo 'percorso' è la Stoltezza, rappresentata da una donna vestita da giullare, giovane e stolta, incapace di distinguere il bene dal male. Quale virtù si contrappone alla Stoltezza? Ovviamente la Prudenza, che Giotto raffigura come una donna matura, intellettuale, seduta dietro ad una cattedra.

    La Temperanza

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    Alfred Stevens | In the Studio, 1888

    The beautiful sitters, art along the walls, open portfolio, and prominent mirror symbolize the artistic practice of Stevens, who was celebrated for his portrayals of chic and charming women.
    On the easel is his painting of the biblical temptress Salomé (Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Brussels).
    The female protagonists of In the Studio pose a counterpoint to the male-dominated French art world, which presented many barriers to women artists, and particularly those undertaking ambitious figural subjects.
    Stevens encouraged the careers of a number of women pupils and colleagues, most notably the sculptor and actress Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923).| © The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

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    Dante Gabriel Rossetti | Joan of Arc / Giovanna d'Arco, 1882

    This word had Merlin said from of old:-
    That out of the Oak Tree Shade,
    In the day of France's direst dule,
    God's hand should send a Maid.

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    Dante Gabriel Rossetti | Pre-Raphaelite painter | Drawings ⁽⁴⁾

    This is part 4 of 4-part post on the Drawings-study and Sketches** by Dante Gabriel Rossetti** (12 May 1828 - 9 April 1882) - British** poet, illustrator, painter and translator.

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    Dante Gabriel Rossetti | Pre-Raphaelite painter | Drawings ⁽³⁾

    This is part 3 of 4-part post on the Drawings-study and Sketches** by Dante Gabriel Rossetti** (12 May 1828 - 9 April 1882) - British** poet, illustrator, painter and translator.

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    Dante Gabriel Rossetti | Pre-Raphaelite painter | Drawings ⁽²⁾

    This is part 2 of 4 part post on the Drawings-study and Sketches** by Dante Gabriel Rossetti** (12 May 1828 - 9 April 1882) - British** poet, illustrator, painter and translator.

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    When I See You | Poem by Pablo Picasso

    I have always walked forth, not wanting anything more than what I had already had. I did not need anything at all. I had scoffed at everyone when they said that my life was incomplete.
    That was till I had met you. You were the only one who had ever raised the felling of loneliness in me. you were the only one who ever made me realize that my life was always incomplete; and had always been.

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    My Love Has Withered Away | Poem by Pablo Picasso

    I have walked through starless nights not caring what the world cared for
    Amidst sighs of desperation and exasperation, i 'ave walked; only for you
    you were always like the fresh mist of dawn
    Yet, like the honey of the bee.

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    Dante Gabriel Rossetti | Pre-Raphaelite painter | Drawings

    Drawings-study and Sketches by Dante Gabriel Rossetti** (12 May 1828 - 9 April 1882) - British** poet, illustrator, painter and translator.

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    Dante Gabriel Rossetti | Portraits

    "Love, which is quickly kindled in the gentle heart, seized this man for the fair form that was taken from me, the manner still hurts me. Love which absolves no beloved one from loving, seized me so strongly with his charm that, as thou seest, it does not leave me yet!"

    Dante Gabriel Rossetti (12 May 1828 - 9 April 1882) British poet, illustrator, painter and translator

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    Charles-Amable Lenoir | Academic painter

    Charles-Amable Lenoir (1860-1926) was a French academic painter.
    Like his mentor, William-Adolphe Bouguereau, he painted realistic portraits as well as mythological and religious scenes. His artistic career was so prestigious that he won the Prix de Rome twice and was awarded the Légion d'honneur.
    Lenoir was born in Châtellaillon, a small town just outside La Rochelle. His mother was a seamstress and his father was a customs officer.
    When he was young, his father was reassigned and the family moved to Fouras.

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    Henri Matisse: "Occorre guardare tutta la vita con gli occhi di un bambino"

    "Creare è proprio dell'artista; dove non c'è creazione, l'arte non esiste.
    Nel campo dell'arte, il creatore autentico non è solo un essere particolarmente dotato, è un uomo che ha saputo ordinare in vista del loro fine un insieme di attività, delle quali l'opera d'arte è il risultato finale.
    Vedere è già di per sé un atto creativo.

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    Orazio Gentileschi | Stile artistico

    Orazio Lomi Gentileschi (1563-1639) non fu un pedissequo riproduttore delle novità caravaggesche; la sua pittura sviluppò infatti una versione autonoma della pittura del lombardo, fondendo nella sua opera le luminosità e le forme michelangiolesche del manierismo toscano con quelle del naturalismo romano-lombardo di Caravaggio.
    Tuttavia i biografi del tempo non citano mai Orazio Gentileschi come uno dei seguaci del Merisi, seppur fu di fatto uno dei primi assieme a Giovanni Baglione.
    Fino all'incontro con Caravaggio le opere risentivano ancora di un manierismo tardo cinquecentesco tipico toscano.

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    Lucas Cranach the Elder | Renaissance painter

    Lucas Cranach the Elder embodies the ideals of Renaissance man active not only as a painter and printmaker, but also as an entrepreneur and politician.
    Little can be stated with any certainty about his early life except that he was born in the town of Kronach in Northern Franconia as one of four children to the painter Hans Maler and that his mother's maiden name was Hübner.
    His exact birth date is unknown, but it was probably in the year 1472.

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    Georges de La Tour | La buona ventura, 1630-1640

    Mentre una vecchia ed astuta zingara gli predice il futuro, un giovane ingenuo viene derubato dalle complici della donna.
    Nel Seicento questo tema era popolare tra i pittori seguaci di Caravaggio in tutta Europa.
    Il quadro di Georges de La Tour (1593-1652) potrebbe essere stato ideato in termini melodrammatici come allusione alla parabola del figliol prodigo.
    Nell’iscrizione appare il nome della città di Lunéville, nella Lorena, dove viveva La Tour. | Fonte: © The Metropolitan Museum of Art

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    Dorian Florez (Colombian, 1960)

    Dorian Florez is an artist from Colombia. He was born in Caldas Antioquia. He studied clinical psychology in University of Paris in the period 1982-1988.
    He studied clinical psychology in University of Paris in the period 1982-1988. At the same time, he was attending School of Fine Arts in Nantes (France) from 1983-1985. He had many other studies and attended many workshops to strengthen his skills.

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    Theodor von Holst | The Bride, 1842

    Theodor Richard Edward von Holst (3 September 1810 - 14 February 1844) was a British Romantic painter.
    Von Holst was born in London, the fourth of the five children of Matthias and Katharina von Holst. Von Holst's drawing talents were noticed by the artist Henry Fuseli and Sir Thomas Lawrence. Lawrence even bought drawings from the ten-year-old Von Holst.

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    David P. Hettinger, 1946

    David Hettinger was born in Aurora, Illinois and began drawing around the age of 8. His subjects were T.V. and movie cowboys.
    At age 13 he was given a set of oil paints by Mike Spencer, a local artist who ran the barber shop across from St. Joe's School where Hettinger was a student.
    Formal art training began at the American Academy of Art in Chicago under Joseph vanden Brouck. Under Mr. Van, as he was called, Hettinger learned classical realism and the techniques of the Flemish, Dutch and Spanish Masters. After four years at the academy, Hettinger moved to New York City where he studied with David Leffel and Richard Schmid.
    During his two years in Leffel's studio he painted still-life's and figures, always working from live models. He learned the importance of working from life from Schmid and Leffel and to this day attends life drawing sketch groups twice a week to keep his drawing skills fine tuned.

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    Hans Zatzka (Austrian painter, 1859-1949)

    L'artista Austriaco Hans Zatzka è stato un pittore Accademico e Fantasy.
    A volte è stato conosciuto come P. Ronsard, Pierre de Ronsard o H. Zabateri e ha firmato molte delle sue opere come Joseph Bernard, J. Bernard o Bernard Zatzka.
    Lo scopo della vasta gamma di pseudonimi di Zatzka era quello di evitare sanzioni per la violazione di contratti che limitavano la quantità di opere d'arte che poteva vendere.

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    Rudolf Ernst (Austrian, 1854-1932)

    Rudolf Ernst è stato un pittore, incisore e pittore di ceramiche Austro-Francese, meglio conosciuto per i suoi motivi Orientalisti.
    Espose a Parigi sotto il nome "Rodolphe Ernst".
    Era figlio dell'architetto Leopold Ernst ed, incoraggiato dal padre, iniziò gli studi all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Vienna all'età di quindici anni. Trascorse un po 'di tempo a Roma, copiando i vecchi maestri, e continuò le sue lezioni a Vienna con August Eisenmenger ed Anselm Feuerbach.

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    Franz von Lenbach | Portraitist

    Franz von Lenbach, (born December 13, 1836, Schrobenhausen, Bavaria [Germany]—died May 6, 1904, Munich, Germany), painter whose powerful characterizations made him the favoured portraitist of late 19th-century Germany.
    In 1857 Lenbach became a pupil of Karl von Piloty, with whom he traveled in Italy. The works of this first journey were painted from nature and were frequently attacked for their “trivial realism”.
    From 1863 to 1868 he copied Old Masters from the museums and private collections of Germany, Italy, and Spain and sold them to private collectors, especially Count Schack.

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    German Aracil (Spanish painter, 1965)

    A spanish pastelliste artist, German Aracil was born in Alicante. In 1985 he began his studies at the San Carlos School of Fine Art in Valencia, Spain. Aracil's first one-man show was held in his home town of Alicante, followed in 1990 by exhibitions in New York, Miami, USA.
    Subsequently, German Aracil has exhibited his work with great success in Spain, Portugal, Japan, Germany, France, South America and the USA. Aracil is a member of the Pastel Society of Spain, ASPAS.

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    Anna Razumovskaya | I ritratti

    Anna Razumovskaya si è laureata alla Russian State University For Arts, dove nel 1991 le è stato conferito il riconoscimento di artista di alto livello.
    Successivamente, ha studiato arte in Germania, Belgio ed Olanda.
    Con mostre a New York, Parigi, Toronto, Amsterdam, Anversa e Berlino e numerose opere in collezioni private in tutto il mondo, è diventata una delle artiste più interessanti e collezionabili della scena contemporanea.
    Nata al culmine della guerra fredda, Anna è stata esposta a mondi molto diversi, quello dell'austero regime comunista accanto alla raffinatezza ed alla femminilità della madre attenta alla moda.

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    Antonio Canova | Scultore neoclassico

    Antonio Canova (1757-1822) è stato uno scultore Italiano, ritenuto il massimo esponente del Neoclassicismo.
    Fu soprattutto il cantore della bellezza ideale femminile, priva di affettazioni: basti a tale proposito ricordare le opere ispirate alle tre Grazie e ad Ebe, oppure alcuni suoi capolavori come Venere uscente dal bagno, la Venere Italica e la statua dedicata a Paolina Borghese.

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    Van Gogh in Auvers-sur-Oise, France, 1890

    Vincent moved to Auvers-sur-Oise on 20 May 1890. He had been discharged from the asylum in Saint-Rémy a few days earlier and had made plans to come and live closer to his brother, in or near Paris.
    In Auvers, Vincent would be able to see Theo often and live on his own under a doctor's supervision.