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Filippo Indoni | Genre painter

Filipo Indoni (1842-1908) was an Italian painter** who painted in the Realist style.
He often created lively scenes of peasants and lower class people playing, laughing and generally being care.
Indoni made these formerly forgotten people in the art world shine, while his fellow artists were portraying them in darker themes. Indoni was particularly talented with watercolors, and painted a number of scenes of peasants** and country people in watercolor.

Unlike many other artists who portray peasants and workers, Indoni’s subjects are generally happy and jubilant.
This is because Indoni’s goal was to portray them as being people that are proud of their hard work, as opposed to being downtrodden, and was Indoni’s response to the idealistic, but unrealistic styling of formerly popular Romanticism.

Filipo Indoni (1842-1908) attivo a Roma nella seconda metà del XIX secolo.
Pittore di genere**, di paesaggio e di soggetti classici, realizzati a olio e ad acquerello, fece uso di uno stile accuratamente realistico, apprezzato soprattutto dal mercato straniero.
A Roma espose nel 1872 alla Mostra della Società Amatori e Cultori delle Belle Arti (Costumi delle campagne romane) e alla Esposizione Internazionale del 1883 (Le gioie del viaggio); fu anche presente alle esposizioni di Firenze nel 1880 e di Torino nel 1884 (Costume dell’Impero).
Per il collegio Nazareno di Roma eseguì il ritratto di Alessandro Torlonia. | © Istituto Matteucci.