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Edgar Degas | Dancer Making Points, 1879-1880

Illuminated by gas footlights in the midst of a performance, a dancer "makes points", or draws forms with her pointed foot.
Edgar Degas’s daring, asymmetrical composition and the angled perspective he produced by the diagonal lines of the floorboards emphasize the sensation of plunging space.

Title: "Dancer Making Points"
Author: Edgar Degas
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Date: 1879-1880
Location: Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, USA

Dancer Making Points, with its gestural line and feeling of immediacy, belies the extensive thought Degas put into the subject, spanning as many as two to three years.
The dancer’s motion is suspended, as if a viewer has just entered the theater loge to catch a glimpse of a popular ballet during the Parisian Opéra.
With her foot in pointe tendue and her gaze arrested on the empty stage before her, she might spin across the floor at any moment.

Degas is best known as a painter of ballet dancers, whether rehearsing in a studio or dancing on stage.
He was captivated by their sometimes graceful, sometimes awkward positions, which he captured in a variety of media over the course of his career. | Source: © Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, USA

Dancer Making Points, con la sua linea gestuale e il senso di immediatezza, smentisce l'ampia riflessione che Degas ha dedicato all'argomento, nell'arco di due o tre anni.
Il movimento della ballerina è sospeso, come se lo spettatore fosse appena entrato nella loggia del teatro per intravedere un balletto popolare durante l’Opéra parigina.
Con il piede in punta tendine e lo sguardo fisso sul palco vuoto davanti a lei, potrebbe girare sul pavimento in qualsiasi momento.