Renoir | Reading Woman on the Bench, 1905
Renoir | Reading Woman on the Bench, 1905
- "Resto al sole non tanto per eseguire dei ritratti in piena luce, ma per scaldarmi e per osservare. Così, a forza di vedere l'esterno, ho finito con l'accorgermi solo delle grandi armonie senza più preoccuparmi dei piccoli dettagli che spengono il sole anziché infiammarlo".
- "So I am staying in the sun - not to paint portraits but while I am warming myself and looking hard at things I hope I will have acquired some of the grandeur and simplicity of the old masters [...] So, by looking around outside, I have finished by seeing only the broad harmonies, and am no longer preoccupied with the little details, which only extinguish the sunlight, instead of increasing its brilliance".