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Pierre Auguste Renoir | Woman playing a guitar, 1897

Woman Playing a Guitar / "Femme jouant de la guitare"/"Joueuse de guitare ou La Guitariste" is an 1897 painting by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, now in the Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon, which bought it in 1901.
The work was one of the first paintings acquired by Paul Durand-Ruel.
Renoir painted several paintings of guitar-players and borrowing classical motifs - here, he is influenced by Camille Corot, Titian and Rubens.

Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Woman with Guitar, 1895-97

Renoir | Young Spanish Woman with a Guitar, 1898 (detail)

La donna che suona la chitarra / "Femme jouant de la guitare"è un dipinto del 1897 di Pierre-Auguste Renoir, ora al Museo di Belle Arti di Lione, che lo acquistò nel 1901.
L'opera fu uno dei primi dipinti acquisiti da Paul Durand-Ruel.
Renoir dipinse diversi dipinti di chitarristi e prendendo in prestito motivi classici: qui è influenzato da Camille Corot, Tiziano e Rubens.

Renoir | Young Spanish Woman with a Guitar, 1898