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Henri Fantin-Latour | Madame Lerolle, 1882

Fantin-Latour exhibited this portrait of Madeleine Lerolle, wife of fellow artist Henry Lerolle, at the Paris Salon of 1882.
The Salon was the official, annual exhibition of the Académie des Beaux-Arts, the national art academy of the French government.
At the time of this portrait, Madeleine Lerolle was 26 years old.
Albert Besnard portrayed her more formally in his painting Madeleine Lerolle and Her Daughter Yvonne, currently on display in the other Romanticism to Realism gallery. | Source: © The Cleveland Museum of Art

Henri Fantin Latour | Madame Lerolle, 1882 | Cleveland Museum of Art

Henri Fantin Latour | Madame Lerolle, 1882 (detail) | Cleveland Museum of Art

Fantin-Latour espose questo ritratto di Madeleine Lerolle, moglie del collega artista Henry Lerolle, al Salon di Parigi del 1882.
Il Salon era la mostra annuale ufficiale dell'Académie des Beaux-Arts, l'accademia d'arte nazionale del governo francese.
All'epoca di questo ritratto, Madeleine Lerolle aveva 26 anni.
Albert Besnard l'ha ritratta in modo più formale nel suo dipinto Madeleine Lerolle e sua figlia Yvonne, attualmente in mostra nell'altra galleria dal Romanticismo al realismo. | Fonte: © The Cleveland Museum of Art

Henri Fantin-Latour (14 January 1836 - 25 August 1904) was a French painter and lithographer best known for his flower paintings and group portraits of Parisian artists and writers.