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Claude Monet | Morning on the Seine near Giverny, 1897

Begun in 1896, Monet’s Mornings on the Seine series was not completed until 1897 because of inclement weather.
Having patiently scouted out views along the river, Monet then painted the pictures from a boat that he had converted into a floating studio.
For an extended period he rose by dawn in order to paint the changing effects of light as the sun came up.
He then lined up the canvases on easels in his studio to complete them together as a series.
Fifteen were shown at the Galerie Georges Petit in 1898. | © Metropolitan Museum of Art

Claude Monet | Morning on the Seine near Giverny, 1897 | Metropolitan Museum of Art

Iniziata nel 1896, la serie Le mattine sulla Senna di Monet non fu completata fino al 1897 a causa del tempo inclemente.
Dopo aver pazientemente esplorato le viste lungo il fiume, Monet dipinse i quadri da una barca che aveva trasformato in uno studio galleggiante.
Per un lungo periodo si alzò all'alba per dipingere i mutevoli effetti della luce al sorgere del sole.
Ha poi allineato le tele sui cavalletti nel suo studio per completarle insieme come una serie.
Quindici furono esposti alla Galerie Georges Petit nel 1898. | © Metropolitan Museum of Art