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Benjamin Osro Eggleston | Young Woman in a Theater Box, 1891

"Young Woman in a Theater Box" is an 1891 oil painting by Benjamin Osro Eggleston (1867-1937).
A landscape painter in the tonal style and figures, Benjamin Osro Eggleston was born in Belvidere, MN and studied art at the Minneapolis School of Fine Arts under Douglas Volk.
He also traveled to Paris where he completed additional studies.
Upon his return he established a studio in Brooklyn from which he worked and traveled.
From 1900-1920 he summered at the Old Lyme Art Colony and in the 1930's he spent his time in West Stockbridge, Massachusetts.

He was a Member of the Salmagundi Club, Brooklyn Society of Artists, All American Artists and was President of the Brooklyn Art Club.
He exhibited at the National Academy, Art Institute of Chicago, Pennsylvania Academy, Boston Art Club, Paris Salons, the Carnegie Institute, Brooklyn Art Association and other venues.

Pittore paesaggista dallo stile tonale e di figure, Benjamin Osro Eggleston (1867-1937) è nato a Belvidere, Minnesota e ha studiato arte alla Minneapolis School of Fine Arts con Douglas Volk.
Si recò anche a Parigi dove completò ulteriori studi.
Al suo ritorno fondò uno studio a Brooklyn da cui lavorò e viaggiò.
Dal 1900 al 1920 trascorse l'estate alla Old Lyme Art Colony e negli anni '30 trascorse il suo tempo ad West Stockbridge, nel Massachusetts.

Era membro del Salmagundi Club, della Brooklyn Society of Artists, di All American Artists ed era presidente del Brooklyn Art Club.
Ha esposto alla National Academy, all'Art Institute of Chicago, alla Pennsylvania Academy, al Boston Art Club, ai Paris Salons, al Carnegie Institute, alla Brooklyn Art Association ed in altre sedi.