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Georg Pauli | Winter Evening at Söder, Stockholm, 1889

"Winter Evening at Söder, Stockholm" was created in 1889 by Georg Pauli (Swedish, 1855-1935) in Impressionism style.

From: National Museum, Stockholm
Georg Pauli - Artist and author. During his stays in France and Italy in the 1870s and 1880s, Pauli was impressed by French outdoor painting and the Italian Renaissance.
Early on, however, he approached a symbolic synthesis, e.g. in Legend (1890), which two decades later was replaced by a Cubist decorative style.
Pauli made his greatest contribution as an artist in monumental painting, e.g. the frescoes in the Gothenburg Museum (1895-96) and Jönköping University (1912-13).

Pauli was active in art politics and belonged to the Opponents and to 1890 the Artists' Association.
He taught at Valand 1893-97.
Pauli practiced extensively writing about art and artists and published the magazine Flamman (1917-21), where he introduced French and Swedish modernism. He also wrote memoirs and travelogues.
Married from 1887 to Hanna Pauli. | Source: © National Museum, Stockholm

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