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Hau Edward Petrovich (1807-1887)

Hau Edward Petrovich è nato a Revel, oggi Tallinn.
Impegnato nella pittura fin dall'infanzia, negli anni 1830-1832 ha studiato pittura presso l'Accademia di Belle Arti di Dresda.
Nel 1838 (o 1836), l'Accademia Imperiale delle Belle Arti di San Pietroburgo lo ha onorato con una medaglia d'argento.
Nel 1854 (o 1864), ad Eduard Petrovic è stato seghato il titolo di accademico della pittura ad acquerello.

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Stuart Davis (1894-1964)

Nato a Filadelfia, Stuart Davis è stato uno dei primi pittori modernisti Americani.
Lasciata la scuola superiore, nel 1910 frequenta la Scuola d’arte di Robert Henri a New York ed espone per la prima volta alla “Exhibition of Independent Artists”.
Terminati gli studi, nel 1913 inizia a collaborare con la rivista socialista “The Masses” ed espone alcuni acquerelli all’Armory Show.
Nel 1917 tiene la sua prima personale alla Sheridan Square Gallery di New York.

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Virginia Palomeque (Argentine painter, 1961)

Virginia Palomeque è nata a Buenos Aires. Dipinge e disegna sin da giovanissima, frequentando vari laboratori e scuole d'arte. Successivamente, ha ottenuto un posto presso il prestigioso Manuel Belgrano National College of Fine Arts da cui si è laureata nel 1989.
Il suo lavoro è stato influenzato dall'Espressionismo e dal Realismo, ma è l'impronta della sua personalità a renderlo straordinario.
L'intensità della sua pittura e la singolarità dei suoi temi, sviluppati attraverso l'uso audace del colore nella sua espressione più pura, catturano l'immaginazione e affascinano gli spettatori in tutti i suoi spettacoli.
Espone le sue opere dal 1990, ha partecipato a numerose mostre d'arte nazionali, provinciali e comunali e ha ricevuto numerosi premi e riconoscimenti.

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Albena Vatcheva, 1967

Albena Vatcheva è un artista Francese di origine bulgara che avanza in modo spettacolare.
La sua pittura ha ereditato diverse tradizioni, compresa quella dei maestri dell'icona.
Utilizzando diverse fonti orientali, ha creato un mondo di fata inquietante, che è un vero fascino per gli occhi, poiché i suoi colori luminosi creano magia. Teneri, amorevoli, i suoi personaggi vivono in un mondo di pace, armonia e reciproca consolazione.

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Richard MacDonald (American sculptor, 1946)

Richard MacDonald is a California-based contemporary figurative artist known for his bronze sculptures and his association with Cirque Du Soleil. Richard MacDonald was educated at the prestigious Art Center College of Design and received a Bachelor of Professional Arts, Cum Laude.
In the 30 years of his artistic career, Richard MacDonald has achieved international distinction for his sculpture, paintings and drawings, and has been the recipient of many national and international awards.
He has also held numerous one-man shows and exhibitions throughout the United States, Europe and the Orient.
His fascination with the human figure and human emotions has led MacDonald to focus on sculpting figures of mimes, dancers and athletes, each of which conveys a sense of joy and pays tribute to the beauty of the human form.

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Russ Mills, 1971

Russ Mills - Byroglyphics - was born in Exeter, Devon - UK. Graduated from Leeds Met University in 1995 after completing a BA in Graphic Art and Design, specializing in Experimental Film and Animation.
After finding gainful employment in various non-creative institutions went back to basics and began work with pen, pencil and computer.
Has spent almost 20 years crafting skills, absorbing influences from every facet of visual culture and archiving found objects and ephemera to substantiate his work.

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Manuel Nuñez, 1956

L'artista Spagnolo Manuel Nuñez ha iniziato la sua carriera artistica dopo aver lasciato l'Art Center College of Design nel 1979.
Ha iniziato a lavorare principalmente come illustratore realizzando poster di film, copertine di album e lavori editoriali.
Successivamente si è concentrato sulle illustrazioni di moda, lavorando per aziende come May Company, Lord and Taylor, Robinsons, Nordtroms e Woodward e Lohrop.

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Albert Bierstadt | Luminist painter

Albert Bierstadt (1830-1902) was a German-American painter best known for his lavish, sweeping landscapes of the American West.
He joined several journeys of the Westward Expansion to paint the scenes.
He was not the first artist to record the sites, but he was the foremost painter of them for the remainder of the 19th century.

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Mariana Palova, 1990

Mariana Palova finds within the positive a living and colorful metamorphosis- the essence of her own cosmogony. Playing with the influence of her experiences and her transformations, Mariana surrounds herself with an aura showing special devotion to the nature elements, analogies, the substitution, human monsters and the astrologic environment.
Despite her young age and relative inexperience, her work has slipped quickly into important art/social circles. Equally rejected and loved, Mariana's sensitive artwork, evokes overflowing passion and a philosophy of life based on the beauty of human metamorphosis and the allure of imagination, eschewing all that is sick and grotesque in the world.

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Sacha Baraz, 1940

Il pittore Francese Baraz Sacha, figlio di immigrati ucraini e polacchi, è nato a Parigi. Baraz ha lavorato su tre periodi: surrealismo, figurativo, ed ora è in una fase astratta. Scoprire Baraz Sacha e il suo lavoro, è un'avventura umana come nessun'altra.
È un crocevia vivente di culture, rare, sepolte e disparate. È l'espressione attraverso la materializzazione di immagini e colori di tutte le forme e tipi di vita.

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Marcus Larson | Fishing near the fjord by moonlight, 1862

Simeon Marcus Larson (1825-1864) was a Swedish landscape painter from Åtvidaberg, Östergötland.
He has been recognized as "one of Sweden's foremost 19th-century painters" and labeled as "the most outstanding of the Swedish Düsseldorf painters".
His paintings were known for being dramatic and primarily depicted rivers under violent skies as well as shipwrecks in storms.

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Herman Richir | La fontaine d’amour

La fontaine d'amour is a painting by the Belgian academic painter Herman Jean Joseph Richir (1866-1942).
This triptych evokes the legend of the Fountain of Love, an allegory that represents a young couple falling in love.
The story of the Garden of Love, an allegory of the nature and progress of love that has its origins in the poetry of classical antiquity and the Middle Ages, centers on this Fountain of Love.

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Herman Richir | Guerre et Paix, 1914

Belgian painter Herman Jean Joseph Richir (1866-1942) was born in Ixelles - Elsene (Municipality in the Brussels-Capital Region, Belgium) on December 4th, 1866 and died in Uccle - Ukkel (Municipality in the Brussels-Capital Region, Belgium) on March 15th, 1942 at the age of 75.
An academic painter, Richir first he studied at the Academy Fine Arts De Saint-Josse-Ten-Noode, Brussels, with Gustave Biot and Charles Hermans, then he went to the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Brussel from 1884-1889 led by Jean Portaels.

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Hermin Abramovitch

Hermin Abramovitch è un talentuoso fotografo rumeno.
Attualmente vivo in Israele e lavoro come responsabile della garanzia della qualità e degli affari normativi presso Harmonic at Harmonic, prima di lavorare nella Six Sigma Black Belt presso GE Healthcare.
Ha studiato presso l'Universitatea 'Politehnica' di Bucuresti, Romania. Parlando in inglese, ebraico, francese, rumeno.
Dicono che mangi fotografia invece di pane.

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Atkinson Grimshaw - Moonlight, Wharfedale, 1871

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Gioacchino La Pira | Notturno con eruzione del Vesuvio, 1868

Gioacchino La Pira (fl. XIX secolo) è stato un pittore italiano attivo a Napoli tra il 1839 e il 1875. Era solito firmarsi "La Pira".
La Pira dipingeva con la tecnica "à la gouache" per i turisti ed i viaggiatori che visitavano l'Italia durante il Grand Tour.
Fu citato in una guida inglese del 1869 (Handbook of travellers in Southern Italy).
Gioacchino La Pira è conosciuto per i dipinti di panorami e di vedute di Napoli, Capri e dintorni, realizzati con uno stile basato sulla ricerca della luce, vivacità e freschezza delle atmosfere; ciò lo distinse dagli altri vedutisti napoletani dell'800.

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Angelo Inganni | Interno del Duomo di Milano, 1844

Nato a Brescia nel 1807, il giovane Angelo Inganni viene avviato alla pittura, insieme al fratello maggiore Francesco, nella bottega del loro padre.
Iniziano così a lavorare a dipinti a soggetto sacro, commissionati al padre e destinati a chiese della campagna bresciana.
Nel 1827 è chiamato alle armi, svolge il servizio nel battaglione Cacciatori a Milano e nei momenti di libertà dipinge vedute con caserme.
È notato dal maresciallo Radetzky che gli chiede un ritratto.

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Louis Édouard Fournier | The Funeral of Shelley, 1889

Percy Bysshe Shelley, the Romantic poet, drowned in 1822.
His yacht was wrecked in a storm in the Gulf of Spezzia, Italy.
His body was cremated and his remains later buried at the Protestant cemetery in Rome.
Fournier's painting shows the funeral pyre surrounded by three of the dead poet's closest friends.

Louis Édouard Fournier | The Funeral of Shelley, 1889 | National Museums Liverpool

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Angelo Inganni | Notturno di Piazza del Duomo a Milano, 1865

Nato a Brescia, Angelo Inganni (1807-1880) apprese le basi dell'arte dal padre Giovanni e dal fratello maggiore Francesco, con i quali lavorò fin da giovane alle decorazioni ad affresco.
Distintosi durante il servizio militare come disegnatore e ritrattista, fu notato dal maresciallo Radetzky che lo fece ammettere all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera nel 1833.
L'opera che presentò regolarmente alle esposizioni di Brera dal 1834-1859 costituisce una vasta serie di vedute urbane di Milano che catturano tutti i dettagli della sua architettura e includono somiglianze di persone reali.

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Malcom T. Liepke (Minneapolis, 1953)

Malcolm T. Liepke (born October 31, 1953) is an American painter born in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
He studied at the Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles, California, but dropped out after a year and a half.
He moved to New York and began studying, on his own, artists such as John Singer Sargent, Edgar Degas, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Diego Velázquez, James McNeill Whistler and Édouard Vuillard.

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Catherine Klein - Vintage Art

Catharina Klein [b. 1861, Eylau, East Prussia - d. 1929, Berlin, Germany] is also known as Catherine Klein. Her name was Anglicized during WWI to avoid any disinclination to buy her work. She is sometimes mistakenly referred to as "Christine". Her signature is "C.Klein" and usually accompanies her work, especially in those postcards and prints closest to the original paintings which were in oil or gouache, an opaque watercolor paint. If her signature is underlined, it’s an indication of an earlier work. She rode the crest of chromolithography at the end of the 19th and into the 20th Century. Catharina Klein was born in 1861 in Eylau in East Prussia (what is now a Russian province called Kallinigrad which is actually separated by the Baltic States from Mainland Russia).
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Pino (Giuseppe Dangelico) 1939-2010

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Beatriz Hidalgo, 1967

Beatriz Hidalgo de la Garza è una moglie, un architetto, un umanista, madre e soprattutto... orgogliosamente Messicana.
La sua incessante ricerca dell'estetica ed il desiderio di tradurla nel mondo, hanno portato Beatriz Hidalgo a studiare e sviluppare una brillante carriera di architetto, una passione che unisce un ottimo equilibrio con la loro vera vocazione, la pittura.

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Max Ernst | Terre Écossaise, 1935

"Terre Écossaise" was painted by German painter, sculptor, graphic artist and poet Max Ernst (1891-1976) in 1935.
He had served in an artillery division of the German army during world war one. This experience was deeply traumatic.
Ernst used Freuds dream theories as a way of dealing with his trauma.
This exploration of the unconscious was expressed through his art.

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Boris Indrikov (Russian, 1969)

Boris Indrikov was born in in Leningrad, Russia. He graduated from the Art School as graphic designer. He worked for the Scientific Journal of Chemistry as illustrator.
In 1994 he started his career as independent painter. Boris Indrikov is a member of the International Federation of Artists of UNESCO.
His creativity is mainly expressed in a mystical realism, not seldom inspired by Eastern cultures. With an unbelievable feeling for the rythm of lines, he could have been a costume designer as well.
Most of his works are monochrome in earth colors. His works can be found in collections in Russia, Holland, Germany, France and the USA.

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Didier Delamonica (French, 1950)

Delamonica born in Lille, in the north of France. His studies include "Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles", commencing with two careers working adjacent during several years, comprising publicite / advertising and painting. He abandoned the the first one. Now, he presents his work in ...numerous galleries all over France.
The works of Delamonica are including a number of private collections in USA and Canada, and in Europe.

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Lionel Walden | Les Docks de Cardiff, 1894

"I docks di Cardiff" è un dipinto del pittore Americano Lionel Walden (1861-1933), conservato al Musée d’Orsay che ci documenta il cambiamento delle città a seguito della rivoluzione industriale.
Le stazioni ferroviarie e le locomotive a vapore avevano subito attratto i pittori, pensiamo a Turner e poi alla serie che vi dedicò Monet.
Walden dipinge la ferrovia presso il porto di Cardiff, città del Galles che nel secondo ottocento ebbe un incredibile sviluppo demografico.

Lionel Walden | Les Docks de Cardiff, 1894 | Musée d'Orsay, Parigi

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Berthe Morisot | Dahlias, 1876

La maggior parte dei dipinti della Morisot include scene domestiche di famiglia, bambini, donne e fiori, raffiguranti com'era la vita delle donne alla fine del XIX secolo.
Invece di ritrarre lo spazio pubblico e la società, Morisot preferiva scene private ed intime.
Ciò riflette le restrizioni culturali della sua classe e del suo genere in quel momento.
Come la sua collega impressionista Mary Cassatt, si è concentrata sulla vita domestica e sui ritratti in cui poteva usare la famiglia e gli amici personali come modelli, tra cui sua figlia Julie e sua sorella Edma.

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Eric Fortune (American illustrator)

Eric Fortune is an illustrator and gallery artist based out of Columbus, Ohio. He received his BFA from Columbus College of Art and Design where he was honored with the Outstanding Senior Award upon graduation.
His work continued to garner acclaim with the acceptance into such prestigious annual competitions as The Society of Illustrators NY and LA as well as Spectrum and others.
He was the Artist Guest of Honor for ConGlomeration and was awarded the Jack Gaughan Award for Best Emerging Artist of 2009. Lyrical, haunting, yet poignant at the same time, Eric Fortune’s paintings make lasting impressions.

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Frants Diderik Bøe - Norwegian Still Life painter

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Boris Dubrov (Russian, 1979)

Boris Dubrov was born in St. Petersburg. At the age of five he surprised his parents by his unique art abilities. So, they decided to take him to the Art school where he got necessary knowledge of painting and graphics which he later developed on a professional level.

In 1994 Boris entered the Art-Restoring Lyce...um "Kupchino" where while studying he got interested in surrealisme. The Administration of this Lyceum arranged the first exhibition of his works in the field of surrealisme.

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Edward Hopper | Room in Brooklyn, 1932

"Room in Brooklyn" è una delle numerose opere d'arte di Hopper che raffigurano un individuo che guarda fuori dalla finestra la città.
In questo dipinto, una donna è seduta su una sedia a dondolo accanto a una pittoresca finestra del suo appartamento, guardando il paesaggio urbano di Brooklyn.
Hopper ha cercato di catturare la condizione umana in una città moderna e mostrare l'effetto della modernità che spesso può portare all'isolamento e alla solitudine.

Edward Hopper | Room in Brooklyn, 1932 | Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

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Ettore Aldo Del Vigo (Swiss, 1952)

Ettore Aldo Del Vigo è nato a Basilea in Svizzera. Dopo aver conseguito il diploma di di grafica editoriale in una tipografia specializzata in libri e cataloghi d' arte dove ha modo tra gli altri di conoscere Max Ernst uno dei padri del surrealismo si trasferisce in Sardegna dove entra in contatto con vari artisti locali partecipa a numerosi concorsi e collettive d' arte.
Nel 79 allestisce con successo la sua prima personale cui fanno seguito altre esposizioni, nel 2000 esegue una serie di dipinti per la chiesa di S. Paolo Apostolo in Sassari tra cui la Pala dell'Altare e nel 2004 l'Ambasciata Italiana a Londra gli commissiona una serie di opere da installare nella sala da ricevimento. Attualmente vive e lavora a Sassari.

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Sandra Bierman, 1938

Sandra Bierman è nata a Brooklyn, New York, ma dall'età di 4 anni è cresciuto in Oklahoma, Texas e Maryland.
Suo padre era un Immigrata svedese e sua madre una contadina del Texas. È stata allevata come a figlia di sua nonna in parte Cherokee.
Le borse di studio d'arte sono iniziate all'età di 11 anni.
Sandra è sposata con il professore di fisica in pensione Arthur Bierman, e loro vivono a Boulder, in Colorado dal 1988.

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William Whitaker | Drawing

The only son of an artist father, William Whitaker grew up in the special world of the working artist. He had access to the finest art materials and was painting in watercolor and oil at the age of six.
His fondest early memories are of the sights sounds and smells of the art studio. He has been a professional artist since 1965, during which time he has conducted workshops and been a university art professor.
He continues to work with one or two advanced student artists for fun. He paints about three or four hours every day ands spends the rest of the time trying not to ruin any good work he's done.

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Robert Doesburg, 1945

- "Sono nato a Rotterdam nei Paesi Bassi.
Dipingo per tutta la vita, ma a tempo pieno dal 1995.
La mia specialità è lo stile quadrato.
Ho sviluppato questo stile da solo.
Lavorare in questo stile mi dà tutte le opportunità di utilizzare molti più colori, mostrando effetti sorprendenti ed immagini scintillanti, indipendentemente dal soggetto".

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Arturo Ferrari | Via San Bernardino in Milano, 1912

Arturo Ferrari (Milan, 1861-1932) was an Italian painter.
Initiated into artistic studies by his father Cesare, an associate of Luigi Scrosati, and the painter Mosè Bianchi from Lodi, Arturo Ferrari completed his training at the Brera Academy under the guidance of Giuseppe Bertini from 1877-1884 while working in the studio of Gerolamo Induno at the same time.
He made his debut at the Esposizione di Belle Arti di Brera in 1879 with a view of the interior of Milan Cathedral, thus inaugurating the repertoire of Milanese perspective views that was to be a constant feature of his vast production of oil paintings and watercolours.

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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | The Lovers, 1875

The resting couple of lovers amidst nature in The Lovers painting is rendered dynamically by quickly alternating colourful spots that imitate the trembling atmospheric light.
The way the two figures are modelled are specific for Renoir: the actress Henriette Henriot and the painter Pierre Frank-Lamy.
Renoir held a special position among impressionists, mostly landscape painters, because he frequently focused on figural topics. | Source: © National Gallery Prague

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Gioia Cordovani - Portrait painter

Gioia Cordovani is an talented Italian painter born in Tanzania. Lives and works in Rome. Since the 80s and up to 2006 she worked as a fashion designer and costume designer. Cordovani like to dig souls characters, leaving the viewer task to find the source through which the inner world of the woman comes out: look, shadow, light, or any other part of her image. The artist expresses himself through mixed techniques, more often, on the basis of acrylic.
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Leopold Schmutzler | La vendangeuse

Leopold Schmutzler (1864-1940) was born in Mies. His father was a saddler and innkeeper, who also gave him his first drawing lessons. Originally, he planned to attend the "Naval School of Music" in Pula, but was turned down for poor eyesight.
From 1880 to 1882, he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna with Christian Griepenkerl (the person who later rejected Hitler's application to the Academy).
After that, he transferred to the Academy of Fine Arts Munich and studied with Otto Seitz. He settled there after his graduation in 1885.

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Bartholomeus van der Helst | The Musician, 1662

Tuning the strings of her theorbo-lute, a beautiful musician directs an engaging glance at the viewer.
The foreground of the picture displays a viola da gamba and sheet music for tenor and soprano voices, suggesting that the lute player anticipates a duet.
Dutch painters of the seventeenth century frequently associated music-making and courtship with amateur concerts, providing opportunities for mingling and flirtation. | Source: © Metropolitan Museum of Art

Bartholomeus van der Helst | The Musician, 1662 | Metropolitan Museum of Art

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Andreas Achenbach | Fisher Couple on the Beach, 1910

Andreas Achenbach (1815-1910) was a German landscape and seascape painter in the Romantic style.
He is considered to be one of the founders of the Düsseldorf School.
His brother, Oswald, was also a well known landscape painter.
Together, based on their initials, they were known as the "Alpha and Omega" of landscape painters.

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Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun | Genius of Alexander I, 1814

"Genius of Alexander I" a remarkable painting created by Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun (1755-1842) in 1814. The artwork can be found in the prestigious Collection of State Hermitage, located in St. Petersburg, Russia.
In this neoclassical masterpiece, Vigee Le Brun skillfully portrays the essence and power of Alexander I, who was the ruler of France at that time.
The artist's attention to detail is evident as she captures every intricate feature with precision on canvas using oil paints.

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Andreas Achenbach | Fischmarkt in Ostende

Andreas Achenbach (1815-1910) was a German landscape painter, associated with the Düsseldorf school of painting and born in Kassel.
He began his art education in 1827 in Düsseldorf under Friedrich Wilhelm Schadow at the Düsseldorf Academy of Painting.
He studied at St Petersburg and travelled in Italy, Holland and Scandinavia.

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Boris Kustodiev | Pittore accademico

Boris Michajlovič Kustodiev / Борис Михайлович Кустодиев (Astrachan', 7 marzo 1878 - Leningrado, 28 maggio 1927) è stato un pittore e scenografo Russo.


Boris Kustodiev nacque ad Astrachan', nella famiglia di un professore di filosofia, storia della letteratura e logica presso il locale seminario teologico.
Suo padre morì giovane, ed il peso del mantenimento della famiglia ricadde sulle spalle della madre.
La famiglia Kustodiev affittò una piccola ala della casa di un ricco mercante.

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Joshua Burbank, 1968 | Mixed media painter

Originally from California, Joshua Burbank graduated from San Francisco art school in the year 2000.
As an apprentice he worked under the noted sculptor Al Farrow, whose artwork adorns the cover of 2013 David Bowie single The Stars.
He has exhibited once with The Outsiders, at 2013's solo exhibition.

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Sandro Botticelli | Madonna of the Pomegranate, 1487

The Madonna of the Pomegranate was painted in circa 1487 with tempera on a wood panel by Sandro Botticelli.
It is now in the Uffizi in Florence.
Sandro Botticelli was a leading Italian Renaissance artist from Florence, Italy.
The Madonna (art) uses the circular format, better known as a tondo, which focuses the attention on the main characters, the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus, who are surrounded symmetrically by angels on each side.