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Joshua Burbank - Mixed media on wood panel

Originally from California, Joshua Burbank graduated from San Francisco art school in the year 2000. As an apprentice he worked under the noted sculptor Al Farrow, whose artwork adorns the cover of 2013 David Bowie single The Stars. He has exhibited once with The Outsiders, at 2013's solo exhibition.

1996-2000 Appprenticeship with Al Farrow, Farrow Restoration, San Rafeal CA;
2000 BFA Academy of Art College, San Francisco, California;
1993 Independent Study with Aurelio Macchi, Buenos Aires, California.

June 2013 The Outsiders Newcastle;
April 2013 Gallery Sa Tofona, Deia, Spain;
May 2012 Fine Grime, "The Ballad of Molly Woad", Bath UK (group);
August 2011 Gallery Sa Tofona Gallery, Deia, Spain;
November 2010 Fine Grime, "Eyes Wide Shut", Bath UK (group);
November 2008 Sweet Elena's, Monterey, California;
November 2002 H. G. Hunold Gallery, Greven, Germany;
September 2001 Kleinfein Gallery, Senden, Gerany;
July 2001 Powell Street Gallery, San Francisco, California (Collection);
June 2001 Academy of Art, San Francisco, California;
July 1999 Magic Theatre, San Francisco, California;
September 1998 Galerie Noran, Muenster, Gerrmany;
June 1998 Mad Magnalenas, San Francisco, California;
February 1998 Atlas Café, San Francisco, California;
May 1998 and 1997 Marin Society of Artists (Group Show).