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Joshua Burbank, 1968 | Mixed media painter

Originally from California, Joshua Burbank graduated from San Francisco art school in the year 2000.
As an apprentice he worked under the noted sculptor Al Farrow, whose artwork adorns the cover of 2013 David Bowie single The Stars.
He has exhibited once with The Outsiders, at 2013's solo exhibition.

He has studied at The Art Institute in San Francisco, The Academia de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, and has received a BFA from The Academy of Art University.
Although his background is not street art, he has had the good fortune to have been welcomed into that community and has often shown with many of the top urban artist such as JR, Invader and Banksy.
He has shown his work in several countries including solo shows with The Outsiders Gallery in New Castle, and Lazarides in London U.K.
He currently lives on the Big Island of Hawaii.

Joshua Burbank è un artista che si occupa di tecniche miste e crea dipinti ed animazioni artistiche uniche.
Si è diplomato alla scuola d'arte di San Francisco nel 2000 ed ha lavorato sotto il noto scultore Al Farrow.
Sebbene il suo background non sia la street art, ha avuto la fortuna di essere accolto in quella comunità e ha spesso esposto con molti dei migliori artisti urbani come JR, Invader e Banksy.
Ha esposto i suoi lavori in diversi paesi, tra cui mostre personali con The Outsiders Gallery a New Castle e Lazarides a Londra, Regno Unito. Attualmente vive sulla Grande Isola delle Hawaii.