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Jacqueline Williams, 1962 | Impressionist painter

Born in Lincoln, Jacqueline Williams soon became interested in art at school and went on to attend the Gloucestershire College of Arts and Technology. Her success at College earnt her a place at the prestigious Royal Academy School London.
Jacqueline's continued hard work and success meant that she was elected a member of the New English Art Club ( NEAC) in 1993.
She has won many awards including: The Antique Collectors prize, Antonio De Segonzac Travel Scholarship, Elizabeth Greenshields Award, Patterson Prize NEAC, Critics Prize NEAC, Patterson Memorial Prize.

Jackie's work is in the main-stream tradition of British painting in the twentieth century, from the Camden Town and Euston Road Schools through New English painters like Sickert and Steer; a worthy follower of that greatest of English women painters, Gwen John.
Her art is based on a personal vision expressed through sound craft, fine drawing, a wonderful sense of tonal pitch and a highly developed sense of colour.

Jacqueline has won many awards🎨, and has exhibited with this gallery since the 1980s.
  • 1985 - Antique Collectors Prize;
  • 1988 - Antonio De Segonzac Travel Scholarship;
  • 1988/92 - Elizabeth Greenshields Award;
  • 1993 - Patterson Prize NEAC;
  • 1996 - Critics Prize NEAC;
  • 2003 - Patterson Memorial Prize.