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Édouard Joseph Dantan (1848-1897)

Édouard Joseph Dantan was a French painter in the classical tradition. He was widely recognized in his day, although he was subsequently eclipsed by painters with more modern styles.


Édouard Joseph Dantan was born in Paris. His grandfather, who had fought in the Napoleonic Wars, was a wood sculptor. His father, Antoine Laurent Dantan, and uncle, Jean-Pierre Dantan, were both well-known sculptors.

Dantan was a pupil of Isidore Pils and Henri Lehmann at the École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris.
At the age of nineteen he won a commission for a large mural painting of The Holy Trinity for the Hospice Brezin at Marne (Seine-et-Oise).

Dantan's first exhibit at the Paris Salon was "An Episode in the Destruction of Pompeii" in 1869.
In 1870 the Franco-Prussian War interrupted his work, and he enlisted in the defence force.
He was given the rank of a sergeant, and was later promoted to lieutenant.

In the years after the war Dantan exhibited a number of other paintings at the Salon including: "Hercules at the Feet of Omphale" (1871), "Death of Tusaphane" (1875), "The Nymph Salmacis" (1876), "Priam Demanding of Achillees the Body of Hector" (1877), "Calling of the Apostles Peter and Andrew" (1878), "Corner of a Studio" (1880) and "The Breakfast of the Model" (1881).
He continued to exhibit at the Salon until 1895. In 1890, 1894 and 1895 he served on the jury of the Salon.

For twelve years Dantan's companion was the model Agostina Segatori, who had also posed for artists such as Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot, Jean-Léon Gérôme, Eugène Delacroix and Édouard Manet. She bore a child to Dantan, Jean-Pierre, in 1873.
On their separation, Agostina opened Café du Tambourin on the Boulevard de Clichy that became a meeting place for artists.
Dantan spent his summers in Villerville, where he died on 9 July 1897 when the carriage in which he was riding crashed violently into the village church.

Style and reception

At the 1870 exposition of the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts Dantan received an honorable mention for his submission for the prix de Rome.
In 1874 he won a third class medal for his painting of a monk carving a Christ in wood.
In 1880 he won a second class medal for his painting Un coin d'atelier (a corner of the workshop).
He received a gold medal at the Paris Exposition of 1889, and a number of his paintings were bought by the French state.

Dantan's works followed the academic tradition of painting, and were praised by his contemporaries. His technical mastery is illustrated by such paintings as "Un coin d'atelier" (1880), where he depicts his father working on a bas-relief in his studio, seen from behind. The studio is cluttered with paintings and sculptures. A critic praised the painting for following all the rules of trompe-l'oeil and stereoscopic photography.
Describing a painting of a group of sailors following a clergyman going to bless the sea, another critic said in 1881 "he has written a page before which believers and skeptics must raise their hats".
His "Le déjeuner du modèle" exhibited in the Salon in 1881 shows a model eating a plate of eggs in a break from the posing session.
The scene is illuminated by a clear white light, with a delicate sense of reflected light. One reviewer said that Dantan had treated the subject with taste and grace, when it could easily have fallen into vulgarity.
He was by no means limited to one genre. Other paintings at this time included one of his mother outdoors in her invalid chair, her face sad, a pastoral portrait of a young blonde woman in a blue dress, full of life, and of a poor fisherman dining in his miserable cabin on a piece of bread and an onion.

Later, Dantan's classical style fell out of fashion. Writing of the first exhibition of the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts in the Champ de Mars in 1890, Walter Sickert was scathingly critical of most of the paintings, making exceptions for a series of far-eastern landscapes by Louis-Jules Dumoulin, a painting by Édouard Manet, some portraits by Jules-Élie Delaunay and some studies by Dantan.
He praised Dumoulin as a master, described Manet's work as brilliant and powerful, Delaunay's as respectable and Dantan's as conscientious. | © Wikipedia

Édouard Joseph Dantan (Parigi, 26 agosto 1848 - Villerville, 7 luglio 1897) è stato un pittore Francese.


Sia suo padre Antoine Laurent Dantan che lo zio Jean-Pierre Dantan erano entrambi noti scultori. Frequentò l'Ecole des Beaux-Arts e poi e fu allievo di Isidore Pils e Henri Lehmann.
Ha mostrato fin dall'infanzia un talento speciale tanto che all'età di diciannove anni si aggiudicò una commissione per un grande dipinto murale della Santa Trinità per la chiesa di Marne (Seine-et-Oise).
Fece il suo esordio al Salon nel 1869 con una tela raffigurante la distruzione di Pompei.
Nel 1870 la guerra franco-prussiana interruppe il suo lavoro; si arruolò nell'esercito con il grado di sergente e fu in seguito promosso a tenente.

Negli anni dopo la guerra Dantan espose una serie di altri dipinti al Salon tra cui: Ercole ai piedi di Onfale (1871), "Priamo supplica Achille per il corpo di Ettore" (1877), "Chiamata dei Santi Apostoli Pietro e Andrea" (1878), "Angolo d'atelier" (1880).

Dantan continuò ad esporre al Salon fino al 1895 e nel 1890, 1894 e 1895 ha fatto parte della giuria del Salon.

Per dodici anni sua compagna fu la modella Agostina Segatori, che aveva anche posato per artisti come Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot, Jean-Léon Gérôme, Eugène Delacroix ed Édouard Manet.
Da lei ebbe un figlio, Jean-Pierre, nel 1873. Più tardi si separarono ed Agostina aprì un caffè sul Boulevard de Clichy, il Café du Tambourin, che divenne un luogo di incontro per artisti e intellettuali.
Dantan trascorreva le sue estati a Villerville e qui morì accidentalmente il 9 luglio 1897, quando la carrozza che stava guidando si schiantò violentemente contro la chiesa del villaggio.

Premi e riconoscimenti

Nel 1870 all'esposizione della Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts Dantan ricevette una menzione d'onore per la sua presentazione al Prix de Rome.
Nel 1874 ha vinto una medaglia di terza classe per il suo Monaco che scolpisce un Cristo in legno.
Nel 1880 ha vinto una medaglia di seconda classe per il suo "Angolo d'atelier".
Molti suoi dipinti sono stati acquistati dallo Stato francese. Ha ricevuto una medaglia d'oro all'Esposizione di Parigi del 1889. | © Wikipedia