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Julie Ford Oliver | Still Life

An illustrator for more than 25 years, I returned to fine art after my last child graduated from college.
I currently paint in a variety of media allowing the subject matter to guide my choices.
I work out of a spacious studio situated next to my house in Las Cruces, New Mexico, and another studio on Main Street, downtown Las Cruces.

This also where I teach painting.
I have found that I am happiest when I am at the easel, with both my daily painting discipline or passing on what I know to the talented artists who join me in the adventure of life long learning.
In addition to a one-woman show at the Americana Museum, El Paso, Texas, my work has been exhibited internationally and nationally in many shows including the book and exhibition Desert Echo Woman’s Museum, Dallas, Texas and Along The Rio Grande at the Chamizal National Memorial, El Paso, and The Museum of the Department of the Interior, Washington, DC.