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Bev Jozwiak (American, 1953)

"Emotion plays an important part in every successful painting, so I choose only subjects that call to me and that gives my work energy and excitement" - Bev Jozwiak.
Award winning Artist Bev Jozwiak was born in Vancouver, Washington. She graduated from Western Washington University in 1976 with honors. Bev Jozwiak paints very directly, placing watercolor paint on the paper with very little mixing on the palette.
Bev Jozwiak has earned her signature status in the American Watercolor Society, the National Watercolor Society, Watercolor West and others, too numerous to mention.
She has been included in countless "Best of Art Books", including numerous times in the well know series by North Light, "Splash".
Has had a plethora of magazine articles, including one emagazine cover, the cover of Sept. 2017 North Light Watercolor Magazine, and the Cover of the Palette magazine in 2019.