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Tatiana Deriy (Russian painter, 1973)

Tatiana Deriy is a dynamically growing painter, whose major creative goal is comprehension of unity of the world's esthetic beauty and its profound meaning as well as rendering them to viewers through painting.
Born in a wonderful part of Moscow region, not far from ''Archangelskoye" estate full of creations of famous architects and sculptors, refinement of palace parks and canvases by Veroneze and Tintoretto, at an early age she developed special world outlook which later on defined the tenor of her work, based on the sense of harmony and beauty.
Comprehending the secrets of mastery of great painters of the past became her primary objective. In 1985 she entered Moscow Art College a hors concurs, graduated from it, which enabled her to continue education in Moscow State Academic Institute named after V.Surikov.

In 1999 Tatiana got a diploma and a title of a painter. Paying great attention to portraits, her creative activity includes a notion an interior painting.
Developed from the images of landscapes, still-lives and portraits, it combines their main features. One can find well through out colouring, visual sensation of space and keen administration of objects here.
This is true of her works ''Misty Recvergershire" and "A Wonderful Dream".
Animal figures, present in almost every of her works help to transfer the mood and completeness of feelings of the image. "An interior in an interior" is like a window, like an addition to sensation, introduction of new sound and impression to everyday life.

The painting expands space becoming a natural part of the room. The painter pays a great attention to composition. There are no casual objects in her works. Accuracy of lines, refined colouring delicate treatment of form, colour and perceptible nuances fill every of the painter's work.
The portrait group "Cats" is interesting and expressive. Bright individuality and beauty of each girl, piercing look, elegancy of attitude impress and leave nobody indifferent.
Turning to the theme of childhood the painter discovers in herself and in every viewer inner images of a child, of primitive joy of being. Children's images are unusually sincere and lyrical.
They impel the viewer to come back and to feel his own ''bedtime song'' of the heart. Tatiana Deriy's paintings are both traditional and innovatory. They present a new outlook of the world through classical interpretation of form, mastery possession of art technique.
They are full degree sensation of life with all its hues from deep dark to sparkling golden. They are a light positive ray in our confused time...