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Djordje Prudnikoff | Realist painter with classical training

Son of a Serbian woman and a Russian man Djordje Prudnikoff [Ђорђе Прудников] was a painter, graphic artist and designer, championed as one of the greatest and most original contemporary artists to emerge from the former Yugoslavia.
Prudnikoff studied art at Belgrade academies of Fine Arts and of Applied Arts, lucubrated industrial design in Vienna.
In 1946, the family moved to Belgrade. After completing his grammar school, Djordje was admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts.
Few months later he left it to enroll at the Academy of Applied Arts where he graduated in the class of Professor Mihailo Petrov.
During his studies Prudnikoff was rewarded several times for graphic design. Graphic industrial design was his preoccupation while staying in Wienna, in 1967.