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Cath Riley, 1952

L'artista Cath (Catherine) Riley è nata a Keighley. Ha conseguito una laurea con lode in ricamo ed un master in belle arti presso il Politecnico di Manchester e ha rapidamente guadagnato l'attenzione per la sua opera d'arte tridimensionale.
Nel 1979, ad esempio, George Melly ha acquistato il suo collage di tecnica mista, "La signora con il cappello", per l'Arts Council Collection, e altri pezzi sono stati acquisiti da Granada Television, North West Arts e Calderdale Museums and Galleries.

Sebbene l'arte 3D abbia sempre svolto un ruolo centrale nella sua produzione creativa, negli ultimi anni i dettagliati disegni a matita di Cath sono stati esposti in mostre e sono stati acquistati e pubblicati da aziende ed organizzazioni, tra cui Nike, Adidas, The New York Times, The Economist ed Aston Martin.
Ha vinto premi dalla Society of "Dimensional Ilustrators", Yorkshire Arts e dal Crafts Council.

Anche la Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, le Dean Clough Galleries e la Piece Hall di Halifax hanno mostrato il suo lavoro.
È presente in molte collezioni private in tutto il mondo.

Cath (Catherine) Riley, was born in Keighley. She gained a first class honours degree in embroidery and a MA in fine art from Manchester Polytechnic and quickly gained attention for her three-dimensional art work.
In 1979, for example, George Melly purchased her mixed media collage, "The lady with the hat", for the Arts Council Collection, and other pieces have been acquired by Granada Television, North West Arts, and for Calderdale Museums and Galleries.
Whilst 3D art has always played a central part in her creative output, in recent years Cath's detailed pencil drawings have featured in exhibitions and have been purchased and published by companies and organisations, including Nike, Adidas, The New York Times, The Economist, and Aston Martin.

She has gained awards from The Society of "Dimensional Ilustrators", Yorkshire Arts, and from the Crafts Council.
Cath's work has been featured in both solo and group exhibitions over 30+ years, including at the North West Arts Association, Manchester; Sheila David Gallery, London; Northern Young Contemporaries exhibition at Camden Arts Centre, London; the Peterloo Gallery, Manchester; the "Crafts in Question" exhibition, Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester; "Press View" at the Crafts Council, London.
The Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, Dean Clough Galleries, and Piece Hall, in Halifax have also shown her work. It is also in many private collections world-wide.