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Tracey Harris, 1970

Tracey Harris displays the breadth of her talent in a modern take on the traditional still life genre with a series of paintings depicting books with titles that extend to a broader cultural narrative.
Education: - 1995 Goldsmiths’ College, University of London, London England 1992 Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, Missouri.
Experience: Tracey Harris is an emerging artist specializing in contemporary representational painting. She has exhibited internationally and nationally winning numerous awards.
At a recent solo exhibition an art dealer, Timothy Ward, of Ward and Ward, wrote of Harris’ work: “Few modern paintings effectively pay homage to traditional aesthetic choices such as chiaroscuro.

However, if homage is paid and fresh subject matter is combined in a contemporary work, the aesthetic outcome usually prompts sensitive viewers to look twice or do a “double-take”.
Tracey Harris’ paintings have such aesthetic qualities and reflect how she too has refined her own sense of looking twice. Harris states the importance of “capturing the essence” of whatever she chooses to paint rather than mimicking the photograph of the subject.
Her goals include “creating images that are serene and sustainable in an ongoing everyday atmosphere. ”She infuses cleverness and a skillful comfort with her medium that many contemporary representational artists lack”.

Tracey Harris è una pittrice realista contemporanea, specializzata in dipinti ad olio figurativi e nature morte. È un'artista pluripremiata le cui opere sono raccolte a livello nazionale ed internazionale.