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Jeffrey Richter | Visionary Illustrator

While I have been interested in art for as long as I can remember, I did not have a chance to begin developing my talent until my third year of high school.  It was in this class that I gained experience with drawing and painting mediums.
I began attending East Central College in Union, MO, in the fall of 1999. While there I was able to expand my skills through a wide variety of classes, including drawing, painting, printmaking, figure drawing, design, and business of art.
I worked for the college newspaper The Cornerstone, as the graphic arts editor, drawing all the covers of the paper and illustrating cartoons and pictures for headlines. Since leaving college I have had an assortment of different opportunities to use my ability.

I worked for St Clair Monument designing and lettering headstones which gave me a chance to learn to use my art as a tool in the workforce.

I later applied for an internship in Rutland Vermont at the Carving Studio and Sculpture Center to study sculpture. During this time I kept creating and experimenting with my own art driven by my new way of life and the excitement of not knowing what will come next.

I also worked for The Chaffee Center for the Visual Arts in Rutland Vermont as a drawing and painting instructor for two years. Today I work in Bourbon Missouri for Paramount Apparel working as a graphic artist designing tee shirts.
When not in Bourbon I reside in St. Clair Missouri and create art in my personal studio for myself and paid commissions.