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Arunas Rutkus (Lithuanian painter, 1961)

Arunas Rutkus is one of those rare artists who, sensing the rhythm of globalization, joined the global art stage with great confidence.
The artist has exposed his works in more than 50 personal and group exhibitions across the globe, and his artworks can be found in museums, galleries and in private collections in the USA, Qatar, Monaco, France, United Arab Emirates, China, Russia, United Kingdom, Italy, Holland, Belgium, Austria, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Estonia, Hungary, Spain, Israel, New Zealand, Lithuania.
Arunas Rutkus is famous for his unique painting style, characteristic for so called Eastern school – figurative poetic symbolism, and impeccable implementation technique.

Inspired by the philosophy of European and Eastern countries, the mastery of Renaissance artists, he demonstrates the deep sense of his roots and the influence of M. K. Ciurlionis’s creativity model.
In order to understand the whole of Arunas Rutkus expression better, one must note that the artist is also known as a film director who tried himself in short film and music video genres.
Arunas Rutkus directed short film won a Special Jury Prize at Olibere FIMA at Milano Short Film Festival, and one of his directed music videos was given the MTV Fresh Award.
NBA stars Arvydas Sabonis and Sarunas Marciulionis are amongst the admirers of Arunas Rutkus art. Arunas Rutkus painting, called "Leaf", belongs to a singer Sting.