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Talantbek Chekirov (Russian Figurative painter, 1971)

Talantbek Chekirov /Талантбек Чекиров è nato nella Repubblica del Kirghizistan. Ha studiato presso la State College of Art (1986-1990), dove si è specializzato nnella pittura teatrale ed in arte costruttiva.
In seguito divenne responsabile per la messa in scena artistica del paesaggio al Teatro Bolscioi di Mosca dal 1990-1992.
Durante i suoi viaggi in Europa dal 1992-1994, Chekirov studiò le opere e gli artisti più importanti che gli erano stati tenuti nascosti durante i suoi studi al college.
Chekirov ora vive in Germania, sia nelle regioni di Westfalen e Baden.

Talantbek Chekirov /Талантбек Чекиров was born in the Kyrgyz Republic. He studied from the State College of Art from 1986-1990.
In this period, Chekirov acquired detailed knowledge in the fields of plastic anatomy, graphics and composition, which highlights his work as an artisan.
In 1990, Chekirov completed his education in the domain of the creative arts with majors in theatrical painting and constructive art.
Thereafter his path led him towards the world famous Bolschoi Theatre in Moscow, where he took over the artistic staging of the scenery between 1990-1992.
During his travels through Europe from 1992-1994, Chekirov studied the most important works and artists that had been kept obscured from him during his studies at college. The artist lives in the regions of Westfalen and Baden for the time being.