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William Whitaker (1943-2018) | Figurative painter

William Whitaker was one of the most respected living classical-realist figure artists in the Western United States.
Whitaker describes his training as being "Most influenced by the academicians of the last century for their craftsmanship, by the impressionists for their color and life, and by the abstract expressionists for their boldness".
He earned a BA from the University of Utah where Alvin Gittins was his mentor and later studied at the Otis Art Institute in Los Angeles.

Whitaker taught for many years at Brigham Young University before focusing full-time on his studio practice.
The list of awards, lectures, exhibits, articles, and other honors received during Whitaker’s long career is impressive.
He has been designated a living master by the Arts Renewal Center, and an AOA Master by Artists of America
His work is in the collections of Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, the Church Museum of History and Art in Salt Lake City, and the Museum of Fine Art, St. Petersburg, Florida. Articles about him have appeared in Arizona Highways Magazine, Southwest Art, and Art Talk. 
In 1982, he was featured in the PBS Televisions series "Profiles in American Art".
Since 2016, Whitaker has devoted his time to commissions, mostly historical subject matter. | The Springville Museum

William Ferrin Whitaker è stato uno degli artisti di figura del realismo classico più rispettati negli Stati Uniti occidentali.
Whitaker descrive la sua formazione come "la maggior parte influenzata dagli accademici del secolo scorso per la loro maestria, dagli impressionisti per il loro colore e la vita, e dagli espressionisti astratti per la loro audacia".
Ha conseguito una laurea presso l'Università dello Utah, dove Alvin Gittins era il suo mentore e successivamente ha studiato all'Otis Art Institute di Los Angeles.