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Eduard Zentšik (Estonia, 1975)

Eduard Zentšik is a contemporary Estonian genre-busting artist.
In his creative work, he has managed to unite localness with globality, to shatter one’s hope for the result awaited from the artist, to put up a serious façade with ease whilst playing an ironical game with unknown rules and to deceive the spectator in such a way that nobody has noted that.
It is only at first perusal that his self-positioning as “Unknown Artist Zentšik" is an offer for the spectator to believe into the primacy of the art object over the art source.

His ironical understatement of his role in the artistic process is not a give-away game, but an honest-to-goodness statement though a wily one.
The main E. Zentšik’s art object is “playing the artist”.
The fancied artist deconstructs the philistine notion of commitment to style: the selection of forms varies from the traditional pictorial art to the actionism.
The Artist “zentšikizes” each style and trend.

Eduard Zentšik presents to the viewer his own version of oscillation in the post-modernism era.
With ease, he juggles with methods, habituates trends and adopts styles.
Destruction, mixing and aligning of each guise – all this makes the Artist trans-universal.