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Claudia Cohen (Californian sculptor)

Claudia Cohen is an artist of ceramic and bronze sculptures with a studio in Sausalito, California.
Her recent paintings bring a similar narrative vision to another dimension. Claudia's works bring to life human nature in ways that deconstruct pre-conceived notions about humanity and stimulates the observers imagination.
Described as comic-surrealism, her style blends objective reality with mythology and flights of fancy.
Her use of uniquely colored patinas along with this magic-surreal vision are the reasons behind her immense popularity in the Bay Area art community and beyond.

Educated at The School of The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Claudia moved to the West Coast and opened her studio in Sausalito California, creating a design and art following that has spanned over 25 years and sparked trends in art that travelled around the globe.
In 2008, this Bay Area artist was featured in Turin, Italy, at the MIAAO Museum as a representative of The School of California Funk Ceramics.
Her thought-provoking and aesthetically pleasing pieces have become recognizable locally and more recently, internationally.