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Gregg Chadwick

L'artista di Santa Monica Gregg Chadwick dipinge da tre decenni.
L'attuale studio di Chadwick si trova in un vecchio hangar per aeroplani dove la raffica di decolli e atterraggi sulla pista esterna sembra insinuarsi nei suoi dipinti mentre esplora il movimento e viaggia all'interno delle sue opere d'arte piene di luce.
Una delle sue attuali serie di dipinti intitolata Mystery Train evoca le ferrovie d'America.

Per Chadwick il mito duraturo dell'America e la sua eredità sono racchiusi nelle note blues della canzone "Mystery Train".
Chadwick espone attivamente le sue opere in gallerie, fiere d'arte e musei a livello nazionale e internazionale.
Ha tenuto importanti mostre personali presso la Sandra Lee Gallery, San Francisco, Manifesta Maastricht Gallery, Maastricht, Paesi Bassi, Space AD 2000, Tokyo, Giappone, e Lisa Coscino Gallery, Pacific Grove, tra gli altri.

Ha partecipato ad oltre cento mostre collettive tra cui la LOOK Gallery, Los Angeles, la Arena 1 Gallery, Santa Monica e l'Arts Club of Washington, Washington D.C. Chadwick è spesso invitato a tenere conferenze sulle arti.
Negli ultimi anni ha parlato alla Palm Springs Fine Art Fair, all'UCLA, al Monterey Peninsula College, all'Esalen Institute, al forum World Views ad Amsterdam, nei Paesi Bassi, ed al Categorically Not, un forum che esamina l'intersezione tra arte e scienza.

Santa Monica-based artist Gregg Chadwick has been painting for three decades.
Chadwick’s current studio is in an old airplane hangar where the flurry of takeoffs and landings on the runway outside seems to creep into his paintings as he explores movement and travel within his light-filled artworks.
One of his current series of paintings entitled Mystery Train evokes the railways of America.
For Chadwick the enduring mythos of America and its legacy is wrapped in the blues notes of the song "Mystery Train".

Chadwick actively exhibits his artworks in galleries, art fairs, and museums nationally and internationally.
He has had notable solo exhibitions at the Sandra Lee Gallery, San Francisco, Manifesta Maastricht Gallery, Maastricht, The Netherlands, Space AD 2000, Tokyo, Japan, and the Lisa Coscino Gallery, Pacific Grove among others.
He has participated in over one hundred group exhibitions including at the LOOK Gallery, Los Angeles, the Arena 1 Gallery, Santa Monica, and the Arts Club of Washington, Washington D.C.

Chadwick is frequently invited to lecture on the arts.
In the past few years he spoke at the Palm Springs Fine Art Fair, at UCLA, at Monterey Peninsula College, at the Esalen Institute, at the World Views forum in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and at Categorically Not-a forum that examines the intersection between the arts and science.