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Diego Dayer (Argentine painter, 1978)

Diego Dayer was born in Rafaela, Provincia de Santa Fé. He began his art in Marcela Grosso´s workshop, plastic artist in his natal City. Afterwards he began to study painting in the “Escuela de Arte de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba”.
Dayer is a unique discovery with an extraordinarily promising future. A rising star in the Argentine art world, Dayer creates amazing images with a clarity and mastery seldom seen in such a young artist. Born in Rafaela, Provincia de Santa Fé, Argentina, Diego Dayer is a phenomenally talented painter who is poised to make his mark in the art world in the United States and the rest of the world.
The work of Diego Dayer is breathtaking. Bryant Galleries sees Dayer as a unique discovery with an extraordinarily promising future.
His images ask questions of perceptions by presenting the viewer a primary subject and then introducing other evocative figures that bring depth to his art.

Diego creates different levels of reality behind the figure. The images within these levels reflect people and experiences from one’s past. Often times, figures are blindfolded, representing the idea that we sometimes are unwilling to see reality as it exists.
He has participated in numerous group shows in Cordoba, Rafaela y Capital Federal, in Argentina. In 2002, he made his solo debut in “Cerrito Gallery” Cordoba.
The artist leaves the viewer to piece together the mystery and experience the image through their own past.
The work of this talented and young artist has a promising future. His creations, figures with different levels of reality, reflect the mystery and experiences from his own past. The mastery and clarity of his painting seldom is seen in such a young artist.
His canvas and drawings are seen and admired in the United States and the rest of world. He is represented by Bryant Gallery of New Orleans in United States and by Centro Cultural Goya in Buenos Aires.
He currently lives and works in Córdoba, Argentina.