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Djordje Prudnikoff in Italy

At the International competition for new ideas in furniture design, in 1968 in Italy, Djordje Prudnikoff (1939-2017) was granted a reward and 3 months scholarship by the company called Sormani from Milan for perfecting himself in furniture design.
During and after his studies he was mostly occupied with creations in the field of applied arts and took part in projects for furniture and applied pottery for several well-known Italian enterprises.
His work were selected for the ITALIAN DESIGN exhibitions in many European metropolises, and that was the time when Italian design was considered one of the best in the world.

While staying in Italy, he established a good cooperation with Gabbianelli (and some others), and achieved his greatest success.
Prudnikoff met many interesting people in Italy, the most impressive contact being with Mr.Dino Gavina, one of the pioneers of industrial design who said that "he had waited for such an Artist".
There were remarkable proposals to work in Bologna but, unfortunately, the two distinct personalities had conflicts from the very beginning.