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Z.L. Feng, 1954 | Landscape / Figurative / Watercolor painter

Growing up in Shanghai, Feng began painting at age seven and never stopped, experimenting with different mediums, including pastel, oil, and egg tempera, before choosing his favorite, watercolor.
"With watercolor you cannot cover your mistakes, so you must know what you are doing", he says.
He finds inspiration for his lovely landscapes in the countryside of the New River Valley: "Usually I go around - to the river, the forest, the lake – to try and find interesting compositions".
Those familiar with Feng’s art are also captivated by his portraits of the people of Tibet, Native Americans of New Mexico, Southern farmers, and others.

Feng is an artist-signature member of the American Watercolor Society, the National Watercolor Society, and the Pastel Society of America (as master pastelist).
His work has been featured in The Artist’s Magazine, American Artist, Watercolor 90, Watercolor Highlight, Omni Magazine, Watercolor Magic, and the Chinese National Magazine, China-Watercolor.
Additionally, his paintings have been featured in five art books published and distributed worldwide.
His work was shown in a broadcast that was aired on the local PBS affiliate station in Harrisonburg, VA. Feng’s biography has been listed in the Biographical Encyclopedia of American Painters, Sculptors and Engravers of the U.S., Who’s Who in American Art, and American Art Directory.
Feng’s artwork can be found in numerous private and corporate collections, including Walt Disney, the U.S. Gulfstream Aerospace Center, and Orlando International Airport as well as the permanent collections of the Springfield Art Museum in Springfield, Missouri, and the Radford University Art Museum. His work is also in private and corporate collections in Singapore and China.