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Alena Plihal (Canadan painter)

Born in the Czech republic Alena as been established in Quebec for many years, Alena explores several techniques at her disposal to create vibrante paintings.
Since her firt work painting has been a deliverance and freedom!
The pictorial expression of Alena is passionate and communicative.

Her works are rooted in the spiritual energy in the beauty of the soul and visionary fantasies that haunt us all, so that everyone can find their own reading paths and stimuli that change from day to day.
The combination of mediums gives extraordinary freedom of expression.
She leads her paintings with dense or transparent colors and opposes them with warm tones colored prints which it deemed cold vigor and vivid intensity.
The artist takes us into a world of flavors, in a world of contrasts where the composition is transformed into picture leaving brushstrokes, the trowel marks and finger keys into a comfortable balance for the eye..