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Sylvius D. Paoletti | Genre painter

Sylvius D. Paoletti (1864-1921) was born in Venice, where he worked all his life.
He is the son of the famous genre and landscape painter Antonio Ermolao Paoletti (1833-1912) and learned the art of painting in his father's workshop.
In his works Paoletti devoted himself mainly to serene genre scenes settled in Venice, in which he skillfully captures the southern light with bright and glowing colors.
Paoletti died in 1921.

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Love Letters | Gustave Flaubert to Louise Colet

Quando Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) incontra Louise Colet (1810-1876) aveva appena 24 anni. Lui aspirante scrittore e Lei, poetessa già affermata, più grande di lui di oltre dieci anni, sposata con il flautista Hippolyte Colet, amante del filosofo Victor Cousin, frequentatrice dei migliori salotti e spregiudicata.
Fu a Parigi, nell'atelier dello scultore Pradier, che il romanziere incontrò, nel giugno 1846, Louise mentre posava come modella.
Il giorno dopo Flaubert torna in atelier ed i giorni e le notti seguenti li passa con lei, in un vortice di passioni.
I due avranno una relazione molto coinvolgente, portata avanti fra contrasti dovuti in particolare al desiderio di indipendenza di Flaubert, che conduce una vita giovanile abbastanza libertina.

James Tissot | Young Lady in a Boat

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Konstantinos Kavafis | Quanto più puoi / As much as you can / Όσο Mπορείς

Farla non puoi, la vita,
come vorresti? Almeno questo tenta
quanto più puoi: non la svilire troppo
nell’assiduo contatto della gente,
nell’assiduo gestire e nelle ciance.

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Edgar Maxence | Il ritrattista romantico

Il pittore Francese Edgard Maxence (1871-1954) ha studiato con Jules-Élie Delaunay e Gustave Moreau.
I suoi contemporanei furono Henri Matisse, Georges Rouault, Albert Marquet, Henri Evenepoel ed altri.
La tecnica pittorica di Edgard Maxence combinava pennellate relativamente spesse con una certa purezza di linee.
Lui utilizzava la foglia d'oro, che enfatizzavano scene mistiche primitive, nonostante i volti realistici.

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Robert Kemm | Admiring the painting, 1880

Robert Kemm (1837-1895) was a British painter.
He was considered a Romantic painter of genre scenes, especially Andalusia landscapes and figures.

This artwork called "Admiring the painting" was painted in oil and is a highly staged piece of work.
The room setting could easily be the artists studio, with the easel, palette and assortment of props.

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Felix Nussbaum | The Folly Square / La piazza della follia, 1931

"The Folly Square" / "Der tolle Platz" was created in 1931 by German-Jewish surrealist painter Felix Nussbaum (1904-1944).
It is part of the collection of the Berlinische Galerie.

Turbulent goings - on at Pariser Platz in Berlin: young artists unload their paintings outside the Prussian Academy of the Arts while its distinguished professors file through the door.
In the background we see Max Liebermann, the president of the Academy, on the roof of his house right next to the Brandenburg Gate.
He is working on a self-portrait held for him by Victoria, the goddess of victory.
She has torn herself off the Victory Column on the right of the frame, but in mid-flight she loses the laurel wreath which, since Ancient times, has been the mark of distinction for success.

Felix Nussbaum | The folly square, 1931 | Berlinische Galerie
In the foreground, in the centre of the beige-grey painting: a group of young artists in pale smocks with paintings.
More paintings are being unloaded from a vehicle on the right.
Left: professors dressed in black form a long queue three abreast.
In the background, Max Liebermann stands on a half-crumbling building.

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Rainer Maria Rilke | Lascia che tutto ti accada / Let everything happen to you

Dio parla a ciascuno solamente prima ch’egli sia creato,
poi va con lui silente nella notte.

Ma le parole, quelle prima dell’inizio di ciascuno,
le parole, come nubi, sono queste:
Sospinto dal tuo intendere,
va’ fino al limite del tuo anelare;
dai a me una veste.